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devaluation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

devaluation anlamı
1) devalüasyon
2) paranın değerini düşürme

"devaluation" için örnek kullanımlar

Domestic Iranian pistachio prices soar after rial devaluation.
Yurtiçi İran fıstık fiyatları riyali devalüasyon sonra uçmak.
Kaynak: agra-net.com
They waved flags and posters, shouting out against the 32 percent devaluation of the bolivar.
Onlar bolivar yüzde 32 devalüasyona karşı bağırarak, bayraklar ve afişler salladı.
Kaynak: globaltimes.cn
Venezuela's recent devaluation has sparked quite a bit of discussion in the international press.
Venezüella'nın yeni devalüasyon uluslararası basında tartışma biraz yol açtı.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Venezuela is no exception, save for the fact that carnival also means a devaluation of the currency is highly possible.
Venezuela karnaval da para bir devalüasyon kuvvetle muhtemel olduğu anlamına gerçeği kaydetmek, bir istisna değildir.
Kaynak: ft.com
When viewing people as all bad, the individual employs devaluation: attributing exaggeratedly negative qualities to the self or others.
Kaynak: Idealization and devaluation
Internal devaluation is an economic and social policy option whose aim is to restore the international competitiveness of some country
Kaynak: Internal devaluation
Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to
Kaynak: Currency war
Educational devaluation is the process whereby educational degrees, for sociological and occupation al purposes, become less valuable over
Kaynak: Educational devaluation
Reactive devaluation is a cognitive bias that occurs when a proposal is devalued if it appears to originate from an antagonist.
Kaynak: Reactive devaluation
The Currency War of 2009–2011 is an episode of competitive devaluation which became prominent in September 2010. Competitive devaluation
Kaynak: Currency War of 2009–11
A currency crisis, which is also called a balance-of-payments crisis, is a sudden devaluation of a currency which often ends in a
Kaynak: Currency crisis
In social science , disenchantment (Entzauberung) is the cultural rationalization and devaluation of mysticism apparent in modern society
Kaynak: Disenchantment
Credential inflation refers to the devaluation of educational or academic credentials over time and a corresponding decrease in the
Kaynak: Credential inflation
step down on 21 May 1998 in the wake of widespread rioting that followed sharp price increases caused by a drastic devaluation of the rupiah .
Kaynak: 1997 Asian financial crisis
The 1994 economic crisis in Mexico, widely known as the Mexican peso crisis or the Tequila crisis, was caused by the sudden devaluation of
Kaynak: 1994 economic crisis in Mexico
At that time, the term inflation referred to the devaluation of the currency, and not to a rise in the price of goods. currency devaluation
Kaynak: Inflation
for a currency devaluation to have a positive impact on trade balance , the sum of price elasticity of export s and import s (in
Kaynak: Marshall–Lerner condition
Fearing imminent devaluation of the dollar, many foreign and domestic depositors withdrew funds from U.S. banks to convert them into gold
Kaynak: Gold standard

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