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devalue ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

devalue anlamı
1) değerini düşürmek
2) devalüasyon yapmak

"devalue" için örnek kullanımlar

or marginalises an entity by presenting value judgments as facts which are construed to devalue legitimacy It is a self-justifying mechanism
Kaynak: Delegitimisation
US, though since 2009 many other states have been taking measures to either devalue or at least check the appreciation of their currencies.
Kaynak: Currency War of 2009–11
In November 1967, the Government was forced to devalue the pound sterling despite having previously denied that this would be necessary.
Kaynak: James Callaghan
Inflation and other factors devalue currency over time; economies of different regions over time periods; and economies' produced goods,
Kaynak: List of wealthiest historical figures
The Australian banks, which controlled the New Zealand exchanges with London, decided to devalue the New Zealand pound in relation to
Kaynak: New Zealand pound

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