Sözce'de sorgulama yapmak için bir kelime girin

differently ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

differently anlamı
1) farklı olarak
2) çeşitli
3) değişik olarak
4) başka biçimde

"differently" için örnek kullanımlar

Rather than becoming a Bhishma, Rahul Gandhi has to think differently.
Aksine bir Bhishma olmaktansa, Rahul Gandi farklı düşünmek zorundadır.
Kaynak: economictimes.indiatimes.com
Bill Uhrich: Protestants, Catholics interpret NT passage differently.
Bill Uhrich: Protestanlar, Katolikler farklı NT geçişini yorumlama.
Kaynak: readingeagle.com
Liverpool boss: Bale is treated differently to Suarez over diving.
Un patronu: Balya dalış fazla Suarez için farklı tedavi edilir.
Kaynak: london24.com
Time to do things differently, By Nigerian Women Trust Fund.
Nijerya Kadın Fonu tarafından, farklı şeyler yapmak zamanı.
Kaynak: premiumtimesng.com
Insight is aimed at empowering the differently abled date October 2011 by expanding their job competencies and resourcefulness through ICT
Kaynak: Insight – ICT for the differently abled
Since "different" is considered a modifier , it has to be conjugated as an adverb , making "think differently" the accurate phrase.
Kaynak: Think Different
Each discipline, however, defines the term differently, depending on what is being measured. In astronomy, luminosity measures the total
Kaynak: Luminosity
A reflex action, differently known as a reflex, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus Scientific
Kaynak: Reflex
Variegation is the appearance of differently coloured zones in the leaves , and sometimes the stems , of plant s. This may be due to a
Kaynak: Variegation
Religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe. Specifically, it
Kaynak: Religious discrimination
Small populations behave differently from larger populations . They often result in population bottleneck s, which have harmful
Kaynak: Small population size

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