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diffidence ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

diffidence anlamı
1) çekingenlik
2) kendine güvensizlik
3) çekinme

"diffidence" için örnek kullanımlar

I only hope that the finance minister proves my diffidence wrong.
Ben sadece maliye bakanı benim çekingenlik yanlış kanıtlıyor umuyoruz.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
They possess a wealth of knowledge and have made a real diffidence to our network.
Onlar bilgi hazinesi sahip ve ağımızın gerçek bir çekingenlik yaptık.
Kaynak: mhwmagazine.co.uk
All in all, I still detect some diffidence from the government on infrastructure NPSs.
Sonuçta, ben hala altyapı NPSs üzerine hükümetin bazı çekingenlik algılar.
Kaynak: mondaq.com
Owners dictate a B&B's atmosphere and here there is no diffidence, no standing on ceremony.
Sahipleri bir B & B atmosferi dikte ve burada hiçbir çekingenlik, törenle ilgili hiçbir ayakta yok.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension , lack of comfort , or awkwardness experienced when a person is in
Kaynak: Shyness
but the diffidence is pronounce as they arab was not able to pronounce the same as sindh speaks and Arab has introduce them Arabic to writing
Kaynak: Jadgal
"His colleagues remember him as someone of engaging diffidence, who would nonetheless hold his own in argument when he was sure he was
Kaynak: Robert Wedderburn (statistician)
Marc Hogan of Pitchfork Media found that "Pundt at times lets his diffidence get the best of him", and that the album's musical elements
Kaynak: The Floodlight Collective
His parents intended him for the church, but his diffidence induced him to decline. He went to London and became assistant to the master
Kaynak: Joseph Forsyth
The author follows chiefly Menahem ben Saruq ; occasionally, and with diffidence, however, he advances his own views, and the entire
Kaynak: Menahem ben Solomon
The final sentence may betray the poet's diffidence about the prospects for renewal, as in Depression Before Spring , or, as Cook suggests
Kaynak: Indian River (Stevens poem)
And from this diffidence of one another there is no way for any man to secure himself so reasonable as anticipation, that is, by force or
Kaynak: Perpetual war
Oscar Tiegs' geographical isolation, and his own diffidence probably prevented him from maximising his contribution to zoology, although
Kaynak: Oscar Werner Tiegs
"soft, spectacled, Oxford manner, with its half-effeminate diffidence Geoffrey Faber , whose own account of Newman in Oxford Apostles was
Kaynak: John Henry Newman
The musicologist Kenneth Hamilton suggests that his diffidence may have been induced by reading Wagner's essay Oper und Drama , by the
Kaynak: Sardanapale
Elsa fell in love with Tirso Silveira but Silveira fell in love with Teang, the representation of wikt:coy | coyness or diffidence ,
Kaynak: Ang Mestisa
Dowse consented with the hesitation inspired by his characteristic diffidence and humility; and the result does the highest creside to Mr
Kaynak: Moses Wight
"It is with considerable diffidence that I attempt to address the American people, knowing and feeling sensibly my incompetency; and
Kaynak: George W. Harkins
Chen revealed a strong sense of melody and his own blend of diffidence, longing and tenacity. Boy in Static's second album Violet was
Kaynak: Boy in Static
One author characterized Collett thusly: "He was modest, even to diffidence. .. .his learning in the law and studious habits largely
Kaynak: Joshua Collett
Johnson delays his description of Christie until the sixth chapter, where he provides a description "with diffidence," fearing that the
Kaynak: Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry
It is with considerable diffidence that I attempt to address the American people, knowing and feeling sensibly my incompetency; and
Kaynak: Farewell Letter to the American People
He was shy and gave a—perhaps deceptive—impression of diffidence, but his conversation was enlivened by a dry humour, sometimes rather
Kaynak: Stanley Alexander de Smith

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