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diffuse ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

diffuse anlamı
1) yaygın
2) dağınık
3) dağılmış
4) ayrıntılı
5) gereksiz ayrıntılı
1) yaymak
2) dökmek
3) dağılmak
4) yayılmak
5) dağıtmak
6) karıştırmak
7) nüfuz etmek

"diffuse" için örnek kullanımlar

Even then, they couldn't diffuse the time bomb before it finally exploded.
Sonunda patladı önce O zaman bile, bunlar zaman bombası diffüz olamazdı.
Kaynak: crainscleveland.com
"It was hard to detect because it was diffuse. It's all around. It's not in one lump."
"Bu yaygın olduğu tespit etmek zordu. Her tarafta. Biri götürü değil."
Kaynak: ibtimes.com
Standing up for what's right; Fallbrook High students trained to help diffuse bullying.
Neyin doğru için ayakta; diffüz zorbalık için eğitilmiştir Fallbrook Yüksek öğrencileri.
Kaynak: thevillagenews.com
Diffuse reflectance and gas cell accessories for the department's new FTIR instrument.
• departmanı yeni FTIR enstrüman için Diffuse yansıma ve gaz cep aksesuarları.
Kaynak: wnypapers.com
Focal and diffuse brain injury are ways to classify brain injury : focal injury occurs in a specific location, while diffuse injury occurs
Kaynak: Focal and diffuse brain injury
Diffuse nebulae: File:Close-up view of NGC 6357. jpg | newspaper ESO Press Release/ref Most nebulae can be described as diffuse nebulae, which
Kaynak: Nebula
For example, helium atoms inside a balloon can diffuse through the wall of the balloon and escape, resulting in the balloon slowly
Kaynak: Atomic diffusion
example of an unconventional mechanism wherein hydrogen has been shown to diffuse on clean metal surfaces via the quantum tunneling effect.
Kaynak: Surface diffusion
This technique is known as diffuse optical imaging . See also : Global dimming Radiative transfer equation and diffusion theory for photon
Kaynak: Photon diffusion

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