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dispatch ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dispatch anlamı
1) sevk
2) yollama
3) idam
4) acele
5) öldürme
6) hız
7) mesaj
8) telgraf çekme
9) harekât raporu
1) göndermek
2) sevketmek
3) öldürmek
4) yollamak
5) idam etmek
6) halletmek
7) yalayıp yutmak
8) silip süpürmek
9) telgraf çekmek

"dispatch" için örnek kullanımlar

Dispatch is a procedure for assigning employees (workers) or vehicles to customers. Industries that dispatch include taxicab s, courier s
Kaynak: Dispatch (logistics)
Computer-assisted dispatch, also called Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), is a method of dispatching taxicab s, courier s, field service
Kaynak: Computer-aided dispatch
In computer science , dynamic dispatch (also known as dynamic binding) is the process of mapping a message to a specific sequence of code
Kaynak: Dynamic dispatch
Multiple dispatch or multimethods is the feature of some object-oriented programming language s in which a function or method can be
Kaynak: Multiple dispatch

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