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distinguished ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

distinguished anlamı
1) seçkin
2) ünlü
3) tanınmış
4) güzide
5) sivrilmiş
6) farkedilebilir
7) görülebilir

"distinguished" için örnek kullanımlar

'Catching Fire': Donald Sutherland's distinguished President Snow portrait.
'Yangın Catching': Donald Sutherland seçkin Başkanı Kar portre.
Kaynak: blog.zap2it.com
Carroll's Yesteryears: Icon led distinguished journalism career in early 1900s.
Carroll Yesteryears: Simge 1900'lerin başlarında seçkin gazetecilik kariyeri açtı.
Kaynak: carrollcountytimes.com
This spring, Oregon State University will honor two professors as distinguished.
Farkli olarak Bu bahar, Oregon State Üniversitesi, iki profesör onur olacaktır.
Kaynak: dailybarometer.com
Watercooler: Mobile's R. Craig Brantley earns distinguished American College fellowship designation.
Watercooler: Mobile R. Craig Brantley ayırt Amerikan Koleji dostluk atama kazanır.
Kaynak: al.com
Whether a case is successfully distinguished often looks to whether the distinguished facts are material to the matter. The ruling made by
Kaynak: Distinguishing
Upon a sustained and distinguished track record of scholarly achievement within one's university and academic discipline, an associate
Kaynak: Professors in the United States
As an authority for this division, he cited St. Jerome , who in the early 5th century distinguished the Hebrew and Greek Old Testaments
Kaynak: Biblical apocrypha
These moths have thin bodies and large wings like many butterflies but may be distinguished easily by structural differences in their
Kaynak: Comparison of butterflies and moths
The Defense Distinguished Service Medal is a United States military award which is presented for exceptionally distinguished performance
Kaynak: Defense Distinguished Service Medal

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