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distinctive ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

distinctive anlamı
1) belirgin
2) özel
3) ayırıcı
4) kendine özgü
5) özgün
6) karakteristik

"distinctive" için örnek kullanımlar

It has nothing to do with spiciness, just a lack of distinctive seasonings.
Bu müstehcenlik ile ilgisi, farklı çeşniler sadece bir eksikliği vardır.
Kaynak: dailypilot.com
To impart a distinctive full flavor, they are basted with Devonshire butter.
Farklı bir tam lezzet vermek için, onlar Devonshire tereyağı ile basted edilir.
Kaynak: lasvegas.informermg.com
I don't know how best to describe his style other than to say it was distinctive.
Ben en iyisi farklı olduğunu söylemek dışında onun tarzı tarif edeceğimi bilmiyorum.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
Trademark distinctiveness is an important concept in the law governing trademark s and service mark s. function, and has distinctive character.
Kaynak: Trademark distinctiveness
A distinctive unit insignia (DUI) is a metal heraldic device worn by soldier s in the United States Army . The DUI design is derived from
Kaynak: Distinctive unit insignia
Acoustic landmarks and distinctive features is the name of a proposed a model of speech perception by Kenneth N. Stevens and his
Kaynak: Acoustic landmarks and distinctive features
Album des pavillons, short for the Album des pavillons nationaux et des marques distinctive, is a flag book published by the French
Kaynak: Album des pavillons
The highly diverse and distinctive music of Madagascar has been shaped by the musical traditions of Southeast Asia , Africa , Arabia ,
Kaynak: Music of Madagascar
.distinctive manner which permits the grouping of works into related categories or ".. .any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way
Kaynak: Style (visual arts)
The Tarzan yell is the distinctive, ululating yell of the character Tarzan , as portrayed by actor Johnny Weissmuller in the films based
Kaynak: Tarzan yell
Fin s are the most distinctive features of a fish , composed of bony spines protruding from the body with skin covering them and joining
Kaynak: Fish fin

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