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distinct ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

distinct anlamı
1) farklı
2) ayrı
3) belirgin
4) açık
5) başka
6) aşikâr

"distinct" için örnek kullanımlar

It's not entirely clear why the teams had such distinct bacterial communities.
Takımlar gibi farklı bakteriyel topluluklar vardı neden tamamen net değil.
Kaynak: npr.org
Chávez vs Lula: Two distinct approaches to poverty reduction in Latin America.
Chavez vs Lula: Latin Amerika'da yoksulluğun azaltılması için iki farklı yaklaşım.
Kaynak: csmonitor.com
Spring fashion has distinct pattern to brighten up your new season.
Bahar moda yeni sezon neşelenmek için farklı desen var.
Kaynak: gannonknight.com
Concordia women's hoop program has distinct Staten Island flavor.
Concordia kadın kasnak program farklı Staten Island lezzet vardır.
Kaynak: silive.com
Two or more things are distinct if no two of them are the same thing. In mathematics , two things are called distinct if they are not
Kaynak: Distinct
A discrete element method (DEM), also called a distinct element method is any of family of numerical methods for computing the motion and
Kaynak: Discrete element method
According to the most common one, a polynomial P(X) over a given field K is separable if its roots are distinct in an algebraic closure
Kaynak: Separable polynomial
In discrete geometry , the Erdős distinct distances problem states that between n distinct points on a plane there are at least n 1 − o (1)
Kaynak: Erdős distinct distances problem
A distinct population segment is the smallest division of a taxonomic species permitted to be protected under the U.S. Endangered Species
Kaynak: Distinct population segment
In optometry , the least distance of distinct vision (LDDV) or the reference seeing distance (RSD) is the closest someone with "normal"
Kaynak: Least distance of distinct vision
Jainism is considered to be a legally distinct religion in India Many others consider it a reformist movement that is a part or sub-sect
Kaynak: Legal status of Jainism as a distinct religion in India

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