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distilled ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

distilled anlamı
1) saf
2) damıtık

"distilled" için örnek kullanımlar

It is distilled in the Caribbean and then brought to the UK for bottling.
Bu Karayipler'de damıtılmış ve ardından şişeleme için İngiltere'ye getirdi.
Kaynak: 4-traders.com
"Bokha" is distilled from various fruits like figs, dates and grapes.
"Bokha" tarihlerini ve üzüm, incir gibi çeşitli meyveler damıtılır.
Kaynak: dnaindia.com
It is distilled from various fruits like figs, dates or grapes.
Bu tarih ve üzüm, incir gibi çeşitli meyveler damıtılır.
Kaynak: citizennews.co.ke
Water is distilled to remove impurities, such as salt from seawater. Air is distilled to separate its components—notably oxygen , nitrogen
Kaynak: Distillation
A distilled beverage, spirit, or liquor is an alcoholic beverage containing ethanol that is produced by distilling (i.e., concentrating
Kaynak: Distilled beverage
or shaojiu (烧 酒 ) is a Chinese distilled alcoholic beverage . The name baijiu literally means "white liquor", "white alcohol" or "white
Kaynak: Baijiu
Batch distillation is often used when smaller quantities are distilled. In a continuous distillation, each of the fraction streams is
Kaynak: Continuous distillation
The production of distilled spirits in New Jersey has not been a large industry in the state of New Jersey . Strict alcoholic beverage
Kaynak: New Jersey distilled spirits
Vodka (wódka, водка) is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol , sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings
Kaynak: Vodka
Oghi (sometimes oghee, օղի òġi) is an Armenia n spirit distilled from fruits or berries. Oghi, a clear fruit vodka , is also referred to
Kaynak: Oghi (beverage)
Whisky or whiskey is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash . Different grains are used for different
Kaynak: Whisky
Rum is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane byproducts such as molasses , or directly from sugarcane juice , by a process
Kaynak: Rum
It is a clear, colorless, unsweetened anise -flavored distilled alcoholic drink (also labeled as an Apéritif ). It is the traditional
Kaynak: Arak (drink)
beverages are divided into three general classes for taxation and regulation of production : beer s, wine s, and spirits (or distilled beverage).
Kaynak: Alcoholic beverage
A liqueur (us | l | ɪ | ˈ | k | ɜr or uk | l | ɪ | ˈ | k | jʊər) is an alcoholic beverage made from distilled alcohol that has been
Kaynak: Liqueur
Moonshine, also known as white lightning, mountain dew, hooch or Tennessee white whiskey, is a high-proof distilled spirit, generally
Kaynak: Moonshine

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