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Dnieper ne demek?

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Dnieper anlamı

"Dnieper" için örnek kullanımlar

The Dnieper cruise wasn't anything like the leisurely luxury Caribbean cruise.
Dinyeper seyir acelesiz lüks Karayipler cruise gibi bir şey değildi.
Kaynak: forbes.com
Water is supplied in Kyiv from three sources, surface water intake on the Dnieper, Desna, and underground artesian wells.
Su üç kaynağı, Dinyeper yüzey suyu alımı, Desna ve yeraltı artezyen kuyusundan Kiev'de verilir.
Kaynak: waterworld.com
After the workers and peasants overthrew the Czar and began constructing socialism in the USSR, they constructed the Dnieper Dam.
Işçiler ve köylüler Çarı devirdiler ve SSCB'de sosyalizmin inşası başladı sonra, Dinyeper Barajı inşa edilmiştir.
Kaynak: workers.org
20Mtpa of available capacity has been confirmed by Dnieper Rail Road State Enterprise for Ukraine's national Rail Road in a letter dated September 10, 2012.
Mevcut kapasite 20Mtpa 10 Eylül 2012 tarihli bir mektupta Ukrayna'nın ulusal Rail Road Dinyeper Rail Road State Enterprise tarafından teyit edilmiştir.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
The Dnieper River ˈ | n | iː | p | ər is one of the major rivers of Europe (fourth by length), rising near Smolensk and flowing through
Kaynak: Dnieper River
The Lower Dnieper Offensive took place in 1943 during the Second World War . It was one of the largest Second World War operations,
Kaynak: Battle of the Dnieper
Dnieper Ukraine. (Наддніпрянщина, Naddnipryanshchyna. was the territory of Ukraine in the Russian Empire , roughly corresponding to the
Kaynak: Dnieper Ukraine
The Dnieper Reservoir. (Дніпровське водосховище, Dniprovs'ke vodoskhovyshche. is a water reservoir on, and named after the Dnieper River in
Kaynak: Dnieper Reservoir
The Dnieper–Carpathian Offensive, also known in Soviet historical sources as the liberation of right-bank Ukraine , fought from 24 December
Kaynak: Dnieper–Carpathian Offensive
The Dnieper Hydroelectric Station (ДніпроГЕС - DniproHES, ДнепроГЭС - DneproGES, also known as Dneprostroi Dam) is the largest
Kaynak: Dnieper Hydroelectric Station
Dnieper-Bug Estuary. (Дніпровсько-Бузький лиман. is an open estuary , or liman , of two river s: Dnieper and Southern Bug .
Kaynak: Dnieper-Bug Estuary
Dnieper Estuary, or Dnieper Liman. (Дніпровський лиман. is an open oligohaline estuary in the northern part of the Black Sea , in the
Kaynak: Dnieper Estuary
Dnieper, Dnepr (Russian), or Dnipro (Ukrainian) can mean: Dnieper River Dnieper Ukraine , central Ukraine under the Russian Empire
Kaynak: Dnieper (disambiguation)
were Ukrainian Cossacks who lived beyond the rapids of the Dnieper river, the land also known as the Wild Fields in Central Ukraine
Kaynak: Zaporozhian Cossacks
Dnieper–Bug Canal (alternately spelled Dnepr-Bug Canal), or the Dneprovsko-Bugsky Canal is the longest inland ship canal in Belarus that
Kaynak: Dnieper–Bug Canal
The Dnieper-Donets culture (ca. Stone Age ) culture in the area north of the Black Sea /Sea of Azov between the Dnieper and Donets River.
Kaynak: Dnieper–Donets culture
The Dnieper chub or the Black Sea chub (Petroleuciscus borysthenicus) is a species of cyprinid fish from Eastern Europe. It is found in
Kaynak: Dnieper chub
The Dnieper Upland. (Придніпровська височина. is a southeastern European plain occupying the territory between the Dnieper and Bug river s.
Kaynak: Dnieper Upland
Dnieper Barbel (Barbus borysthenicus) is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus . Footnotes : Barbus | borysthenicus
Kaynak: Dnieper barbel
On the Dnieper, Op. 51, (link no | На Днепре), also known by its French language title Sur le Borysthène, is Sergei Prokofiev 's fourth
Kaynak: On the Dnieper
The Middle Dnieper culture is an eastern extension of the Corded Ware culture , ca. 3200—2300 BC, of northern Ukraine and Belarus.
Kaynak: Middle Dnieper culture
The Samara (Самара) is a river in Ukraine , a left tributary of the river Dnieper . is located near the confluence of Dnieper and Samara.
Kaynak: Samara River (Dnieper)
The water reservoir s of the Dnieper River in Ukraine pose a significant threat of a large-scale human-made disaster if their dam s fail
Kaynak: Threat of the Dnieper reservoirs
The Dniepr Balts, a hypothetical subgroup of the Eastern Balts, are Baltic tribes that lived near the Dnieper River in the Bronze Age ,
Kaynak: Dniepr Balts

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