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Dniester ne demek?

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Dniester anlamı

"Dniester" için örnek kullanımlar

Although living on the eastern bank of the Dniester River, Cocieri's inhabitants fought against the separatist forces of Transdniester.
Dinyester Nehri'nin doğu yakasında yaşayan rağmen, Cocieri sakinlerinin Transdinyester bölgesinin ayrılıkçı güçlere karşı savaştı.
Kaynak: theatlantic.com
The Dniester. (icon | ˈ | n | iː | s | t | ər NEES | tər Nistru, Дністе́р translit. Dnister; Днестр) is a river in Eastern Europe .
Kaynak: Dniester
Dniester Estuary, or Dniester Liman. (Дністровський лиман, limanul Nistrului. is a liman , formed at the point where the river Dniester flows
Kaynak: Dniester Liman
During the 2010–11 season Dniester started playing their home games in Odessa due to the unsafe state of their stadium (Viktor Dukov) in
Kaynak: FC Odesa
Transdniestria) is a breakaway territory located mostly on a strip of land between the River Dniester and the eastern Moldova n border with Ukraine .
Kaynak: Transnistria
Dniester Canyon — the Dniester River canyon , located at the territory of Dniester River Valley in Ukraine . On February 3, 2010, the
Kaynak: Dniester Canyon
Dniester Hills (Dealurile Nistrului), also known as Northern Moldavian Plateau (Podişul Moldovei de Nord) is a geographic area that
Kaynak: Dniester Hills
The Bug -Dniester culture was the archaeological culture that developed in the chernozem region of Moldavia and Ukraine around the
Kaynak: Bug-Dniester culture
Dniester HES-1 is a 702 MW (6х117 MW) hydroelectric power station at the Dniester near Novodnistrovsk , Ukraine . It was launched in
Kaynak: Dniester Hydroelectric Station
The Dniester Sanatorium is the oldest health resort in Transnistria . date January 2012 Founded immediately after World War II , in what was
Kaynak: Dniester Sanatorium
The Dniester Pumped Storage Power Station is a pumped storage hydroelectric scheme that uses the Dniester River 8 | km | mi | 0 | abbr on
Kaynak: Dniester Pumped Storage Power Station
and the six districts of the Republic of Moldova have consolidated officially an agreement on the establishment of the Euroregion "Dniester".
Kaynak: Euroregion Dniester
A strip of Moldova's internationally recognized territory on the east bank of the river Dniester has been under the de facto control of
Kaynak: Moldova
The Seret River (Ukrainian : Серет) is the left tributary of the Dniester that flows through the Ternopil Oblast of Ukraine .
Kaynak: Seret River
region and former principality in Eastern Europe , corresponding to the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester river.
Kaynak: Moldavia
The city is located on the eastern bank of the Dniester River . Tiraspol is a regional hub of light industry , such as furniture and
Kaynak: Tiraspol
In the east it was bounded by the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea ) and the river Danastris (Dniester ), in Greek sources the Tyras.
Kaynak: Dacia
is a historic city on the Dniester River in western Ukraine . The town gave its name to the historic province and the Kingdom of Galicia–
Kaynak: Halych
The Smotrych River (Смотрич, Smotrycz) is a left tributary of the Dniester , flowing through the Podillia upland of western Ukraine .
Kaynak: Smotrych River
from the Carpathian Mountains to the Dniester and Dnieper regions in modern-day Romania , Moldova , and Ukraine , encompassing an area
Kaynak: Cucuteni-Trypillian culture

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