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dogmatic ne demek?

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dogmatic anlamı
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"dogmatic" için örnek kullanımlar

But that is exactly what the dogmatic and inflexible Troika will not allow.
Ama bu dogmatik ve esnek Troykası izin vermez tam olarak ne olduğunu.
Kaynak: ftalphaville.ft.com
Receives a doctorate in dogmatic theology from Gregorian University in Rome.
Roma Gregorian Üniversitesi'nde dogmatik teoloji alanında doktora alır.
Kaynak: o.canada.com
Pause for air: the libertine left has never been overly dogmatic on these topics?!
Hava için Duraklat: çapkın Sol bu konularda aşırı dogmatik olmamıştı!
Kaynak: newsbusters.org
Ed Davey: climate change deniers 'dogmatic and blinkered'.
Ed Davey: iklim değişikliği inkarcıları 'dogmatik ve okunaksız'.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
The decisions of fourteen later councils that Catholics hold as dogmatic and numerous decrees promulgated by Pope s' exercising papal
Kaynak: Dogma
give gold back The Church uses this text in its interpretation of dogmatic development: The first Vatican Council stated in 1870 that
Kaynak: Roman Catholic dogma
The term dogmatic fact is employed in the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church , in a wide sense, to mean any fact connected with a dogma
Kaynak: Dogmatic fact
The history of Catholic dogmatic theology divides into three main periods: the patristic, the medieval, the modern. date April 2012
Kaynak: History of Catholic dogmatic theology
The forms dogmatic constitution and pastoral constitution are titles sometimes used to be more descriptive as to the document's purpose.
Kaynak: Apostolic constitution
He also credited David Hume with awakening him from "dogmatic slumber" (circa 1771 Hume had stated that experience consists only of
Kaynak: Immanuel Kant
Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council . This dogmatic
Kaynak: Lumen Gentium
Dei Filius is the incipit of the dogmatic constitution of the First Vatican Council on the Catholic faith , which was adopted unanimously
Kaynak: Dei Filius
Bernard Jungmann was a German Catholic dogmatic theologian and ecclesiastical historian . Biography: He was born at Münster in Westphalia
Kaynak: Bernard Jungmann

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