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dogmatism ne demek?

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dogmatism anlamı
1) dogmatizm
2) dogmacılık

"dogmatism" için örnek kullanımlar

He asked what the Government could say in reply to charges of dogmatism.
O Hükümet dogmatizm suçlamaları cevapta söyleyebileceklerinin sordu.
Kaynak: dehavilland.co.uk
That is the opposite of the Stupid Party, which has degenerated into dogmatism.
Bu dogmaların içine dejenere olmuştur Aptal Parti, tersidir.
Kaynak: recordnet.com
Those who diminish themselves with dogmatism diminish the country.
Dogmatizm ile kendilerini azaltabilme olanlar ülkeyi azalır.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
The student movement is accused of dogmatism when it firmly defends its positions.
Sıkı bir şekilde savunur zaman öğrenci hareketinin dogmatizm suçlanıyor.
Kaynak: rabble.ca
As a possible reaction to skepticism , dogmatism is a set of beliefs or doctrines that are established as undoubtedly in truth They are
Kaynak: Dogma
According to Mao on the other hand, Wang epitomized the intellectualism and foreign dogmatism Mao criticized in his essays "On Practice"
Kaynak: Wang Ming
In short, the Kālāma Sutta is opposed to blind faith, dogmatism and belief spawned from specious reasoning _ TOC_ Premise: The sutta starts
Kaynak: Kalama Sutta
finding a way between scepticism and dogmatism . Richard Popkin indicates that Gassendi was one of the first thinkers to formulate the
Kaynak: Pierre Gassendi
1923 – April 14, 2005) was an academic philosopher who specialized in the history of enlightenment philosophy and early modern anti-dogmatism.
Kaynak: Richard Popkin
The school of thought developed primarily in opposition to what it saw as the dogmatism , or ultimately unfounded assertions of the Stoics
Kaynak: Philosophical skepticism
Deconstruction can challenge a particular dogmatism and hence desediment dogmatism in general, but it cannot escape all dogmatism all at
Kaynak: Jacques Derrida on deconstruction
In section I, the discipline of pure reason in the sphere of dogmatism, of chapter I, the discipline of pure reason, of Part II,
Kaynak: Critique of Pure Reason
They distrusted dogmatism and what they thought of as overly-intricate system building. In the eyes of some critics, this led them close
Kaynak: Moderate Party (Scotland)
He lived a very retired life, and saw little or nothing of society; when he did mingle in it, his dogmatism and pugnacity caused him to be
Kaynak: John Landen
from Kant's three alternatives of criticism , scepticism , and dogmatism The book was translated into English by philosopher Ray Brassier .
Kaynak: Quentin Meillassoux
Forms of deviationism included revisionism , dogmatism , bourgeois nationalism , and rootless cosmopolitanism . For example, Mao Zedong
Kaynak: Deviationism
and there is a feeling that dogmatism (“My answer is right and all others are wrong”), skepticism (“All answers are equally true (or
Kaynak: Essentially contested concept
"Pope's lines single Jacob out for satire primarily for his dogmatism and pettiness. While these qualities made him ripe for personal
Kaynak: Giles Jacob
reinterpretation Not all forms of Buddhism eschew dogmatism , remain neutral on the subject of the supernatural , or are open to scientific discoveries.
Kaynak: Buddhism and science
the culturalist approach that blames "Oriental dogmatism" and "Islamic mentality" for the neglect of the scientific and technological
Kaynak: Science and technology in the Ottoman Empire
They see "dialectics " more as a set of questions to ask about biological research , a weapon against dogmatism , than as a set of pre-
Kaynak: The Dialectical Biologist
Christian theology, "a calm but vigorous protest of the trained scientific intellect against the vague dogmatism of the Oriental theosophies".
Kaynak: Alexander of Lycopolis

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