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dorm ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dorm anlamı
1) yurt
2) yatakhane
3) koğuş

"dorm" için örnek kullanımlar

CU police were investigating the death of a man in dorm room at Libby Hall.
CU polis Libby Hall'da yurdunda bir adamın ölümünü araştırıyorum edildi.
Kaynak: kdvr.com
UT honors Brown: New dorm may be named for Alcoa education leader.
UT onur Brown: Yeni yurt Alcoa eğitim lideri olarak adlandırılmış olabilir.
Kaynak: thedailytimes.com
Say goodbye to partying at South House which will soon be turned into a dry dorm.
Yakında kuru bir yurt haline edileceği Güney evinde parti elveda.
Kaynak: castletonspartan.com
You can create a warm space to live in, right in your dorm room.
Sen sağ yurdunda, yaşamak için sıcak bir mekan oluşturabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: milliganstampede.com
A dormitory (often shortened to dorm) in the United States is a residence hall consisting of sleeping quarters or entire buildings
Kaynak: Dormitory
A mini dorm is a rental property, usually a privately owned single-family house located near a suburb an college campus or beach area,
Kaynak: Mini dorm
McCormick Hall is a women-only dorm; all other dorms are coeducational . family housing, and all other dorms are reserved for single students.
Kaynak: Housing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
It was named after Mira Hershey , who willed $300,000 to have the all-girls dorm builtThe original Hershey Hall of the 1930s is still in
Kaynak: UCLA student housing

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