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embarrassment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

embarrassment anlamı
1) utanma
2) sıkıntı
3) rahatsızlık
4) şaşkınlık
5) parasızlık

"embarrassment" için örnek kullanımlar

A real Whopper of an embarrassment: Burger King's Twitter account McHacked.
Bir utanç gerçek bir Whopper: Burger King'in Twitter hesabı McHacked.
Kaynak: royalgazette.com
Dermot Gallagher 'Holocaust' reference causes embarrassment for Sky Sports.
Dermot Gallagher 'Soykırım' referans Sky Sports için utanç olur.
Kaynak: standard.co.uk
Whopping embarrassment: Burger King's Twitter account hacked.
Okka utanç: Burger King'in Twitter hesabı hacklendi.
Kaynak: ctvnews.ca
It was an embarrassment and a humiliation for Rangers.
Bu bir utanç ve Rangers için bir aşağılanma oldu.
Kaynak: dailyrecord.co.uk
Comparison with guilt and embarrassment: File:Goya9. jpg | Person hiding face and showing posture of shame (while wearing a Sanbenito and
Kaynak: Shame
An embarrassment of riches is an idiom that means an overabundance of something, or too much of a good thing, that originated in 1738 as
Kaynak: Embarrassment of riches
Blushing refers to the involuntary reddening of a person's face due to embarrassment or emotional stress , though it has been known to
Kaynak: Blushing
However, Janey is left reeling with embarrassment when Susan starts a food fight in the canteen among other things. Meanwhile, Ben is
Kaynak: List of My Family episodes
A shotgun wedding is a wedding that is arranged to avoid embarrassment due to an unplanned pregnancy , rather than out of the desire of
Kaynak: Shotgun wedding
It can be brought about through bullying , intimidation , physical or mental mistreatment or trickery, or by embarrassment if a person
Kaynak: Humiliation
Self-conscious emotions, such as guilt , shame , embarrassment , and pride , are emotions that relate to our sense of self and our
Kaynak: Self-conscious emotions

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