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embassy ne demek?

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embassy anlamı
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3) elçilik görevlileri

"embassy" için örnek kullanımlar

U.S. Embassy in Kyrgyzstan explained what is being built on its territory.
Kırgızistan'da ABD Büyükelçiliği kendi topraklarında inşa ediliyor anlattım.
Kaynak: eng.24.kg
The embassy guards came to her rescue but the bikers had zoomed off by then.
Elçilik görevlileri onu kurtarmak için geldi ama bisikletçileri sonra tarafından kapalı Yakınlaştırılmış vardı.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Musical condolences expressed in Embassy of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela today.
Müzikal başsağlığı bugün Venezuela Bolivar Cumhuriyeti Büyükelçiliği ifade.
Kaynak: tvr.by
Georgia, a small state in the South Caucasus, recently opened an embassy in Jakarta.
Gürcistan, Güney Kafkasya'da küçük bir devlet, son zamanlarda Cakarta bir büyükelçilik açtı.
Kaynak: thejakartapost.com
There are thus resident and non-resident embassies. Naming: A permanent diplomatic mission is typically known as an embassy, and the person in
Kaynak: Diplomatic mission
Netherlands and the house that he had purchased at Fluwelen Burgwal 18 in The Hague , became the first American embassy anywhere in the world
Kaynak: List of diplomatic missions of the United States
The Iranian Embassy siege took place from 30 April to 5 May 1980, after a group of six armed men stormed the Iranian embassy in South
Kaynak: Iranian Embassy siege
The Embassy of the United States in Tokyo represents the United States to Japan. Fukuoka , and Naha , the embassy provides assistance to
Kaynak: Embassy of the United States in Tokyo

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