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empty ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

empty anlamı
1) boş
2) aç
3) anlamsız
4) yoksun
5) önemsiz
6) boşuna
7) içeriksiz
1) boşaltmak
2) boşalmak
3) içini boşaltmak
4) dökmek
5) tahliye etmek
6) dökülmek
7) içini çıkarmak
1) boş kap
2) boşalma

"empty" için örnek kullanımlar

It's hard to pinpoint the exact reason for all the empty storefronts.
Tüm boş storefronts tam nedenini saptamak zor.
Kaynak: stonington.patch.com
The building has sat gutted out and empty since the flood, until now.
Bina bugüne kadar, sel beri gutted ve boş oturdu.
Kaynak: thegazette.com
Our coffers are empty, yet still the compassion industry squeals for more money.
Bizim kasasına, henüz hala daha fazla para için şefkat sanayi kahkahaları boş.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
In mathematics , and more specifically set theory , the empty set is the unique set having no elements ; its size or cardinality (count
Kaynak: Empty set
In mathematics , an empty product, or nullary product, is the result of multiplying no factors. just as the empty sum —the result of
Kaynak: Empty product
In formal language theory , the empty string (or null string is the unique string of length zero . Formal theory: Formally, a string is a
Kaynak: Empty string
In mathematics , an empty sum, or nullary sum, is a summation involving no terms at all. The value of any empty sum of numbers is
Kaynak: Empty sum
In Christianity, the empty tomb is the tomb of Jesus that was found to be empty by the women myrrhbearers who were present at Jesus'
Kaynak: Empty tomb
"the empty quarter") or Empty Quarter is the largest sand desert in the world encompassing most of the southern third of the Arabian
Kaynak: Rub' al Khali
In mathematics , an empty function is a function whose domain is the empty set . For each set A, there is exactly one such empty
Kaynak: Empty function
An empty net goal, or colloquially an empty netter (abbreviated as EN or ENG), occurs in ice hockey when a team scores a goal into a net
Kaynak: Empty net goal

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