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encouraging ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

encouraging anlamı
1) cesaret verici
2) teşvik edici
3) ümit verici
4) özendirici
5) yüreklendirici
1) teşvik etme

"encouraging" için örnek kullanımlar

Early results "encouraging" for Edwards' redesigned Sapien XT valve.
Erken sonuçlar Edwards 'redesigned Sapien XT vana için "cesaret".
Kaynak: massdevice.com
The general result: the trend still looks encouraging, as the table below shows.
Genel Sonuç: eğilim hala Aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi, cesaret verici görünüyor.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
DeMarcus Cousins' incredibly weird, less than encouraging season.
Daha sezon teşvik etmekten, DeMarcus Cousins ​​'inanılmaz garip.
Kaynak: sactownroyalty.com
The Imagen Awards are administered by the Imagen Foundation, an organization dedicated to "encouraging and recognizing the positive
Kaynak: Imagen Awards
The Participatory Politics Foundation a non-profit organisation devoted to encouraging transparency in government and encouraging public
Kaynak: PPF
The Jewish Book Council, founded in 1944, is an organization encouraging and contributing to Jewish literature The goal of the council, as
Kaynak: Jewish Book Council
is an American advertising campaign encouraging the consumption of cow's milk , which was created by the advertising agency Goodby
Kaynak: Got Milk?
Cheering is the uttering or making of sounds encouraging, stimulating or exciting to action, indicating approval or acclaiming or welcoming
Kaynak: Cheering
Booktrust is an independent British charity with the aim of encouraging people to engage with books. Established in 1992, it has received
Kaynak: Booktrust
The Fine Arts Work Center is a non-profit enterprise devoted to encouraging the growth and development of emerging visual artists and
Kaynak: Fine Arts Work Center
expected students to engage critically with the content and purpose of the legislation, encouraging critical thinking and democratic discussion.
Kaynak: Citizenship Foundation
It advocates the notion of encouraging voluntary population transfer (as opposed to forced transfer) of the Arab population of the West
Kaynak: Moledet
Uplifting and encouraging in nature, it illuminates foundational principles of life and the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible.
Kaynak: Christian television
The Geochemical Society is a nonprofit and international scientific society for the purpose of encouraging the application of chemistry to
Kaynak: Geochemical Society
encouraging study and research in the field of hymnody ; promoting good standards of hymn-singing; encouraging the discerning use of hymns in
Kaynak: Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland
A corporate haven is a jurisdiction with laws friendly to corporation s thereby encouraging them to choose that jurisdiction as a legal
Kaynak: Corporate haven

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