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encroachment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

encroachment anlamı
1) aşma
2) zarar
3) saldırma
4) geçme
5) tecâvüz
6) el uzatma

"encroachment" için örnek kullanımlar

But now there are accusations of 'hoarding' and 'encroachment'.
Ama şimdi 'biriktirme' ve 'tecavüz' suçlamaları vardır.
Kaynak: herald.ie
Moreover, the encroachment on agricultural land has increased at a much higher rate.
Ayrıca, tarımsal arazi üzerinde tecavüz çok daha yüksek bir oranda artmıştır.
Kaynak: english.ahram.org.eg
The campaign on footpath has revealed two main issues, encroachment and vehicle parking.
Patika üzerinde kampanya, iki ana konular, tecavüz ve araç park ortaya koymuştur.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
Human and livestock population growth and encroachment into jungles increase human exposure to crossovers.
Ormanlarda içine İnsan ve hayvan nüfus artışı ve tecavüz geçitler maruz artırmak.
Kaynak: power-eng.com
A structural encroachment is a concept in American real property law , in which a piece of real property hangs from one property over the
Kaynak: Structural encroachment
Temporal encroachment is an action that affects the perception of time or that affects the ability to take action in the future . Temporal
Kaynak: Temporal encroachment
In gridiron football , encroachment refers to when before the snap, a defensive player illegally crosses the line of scrimmage and makes
Kaynak: Encroachment (gridiron football)
Canley became part of Coventry as a result of successive encroachment of the latter's boundaries between 1928 and 1932, having
Kaynak: Canley
Like most states of the African Sahel, Chad has suffered desertification -the encroachment of the desert . Traditional herding practices
Kaynak: Forestry in Chad
Vibhutipura Lake in Bangalore , Karnataka , India is an example of how an organized encroachment activity can kill the naturally breathing
Kaynak: Vibhutipura Lake
habitat loss and fragmentation (agricultural encroachment, charcoal production, logging) | 100px | left | Cercopithecus diana roloway
Kaynak: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates
The forms of permanent constructions vary, but encroachment never stops. Now fresh encroachment is allowed in the form of a stage
Kaynak: Deshapriya Park
The island's diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife are threatened by the encroachment of the rapidly growing human population.
Kaynak: Madagascar
The lake has shrunk due to huge encroachment and illegal buildings and constructions that took place over the decade. There is a burial
Kaynak: Periya Eri
Structural encroachment: Some legal scholars classify structural encroachment s as a type of easement. date August 2008 Creation: Easements are
Kaynak: Easement
As of 2009, the government of Punjab has started an anti-encroachment drive to restore the space occupied illegally. See also
Kaynak: Miani Sahib Graveyard

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