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encyclopaedia ne demek?

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encyclopaedia anlamı
1) ansiklopedi

"encyclopaedia" için örnek kullanımlar

The seminar is being organised by the department of encyclopaedia of Sikhism.
Seminer Sihizm ve ansiklopedi departmanı tarafından organize ediliyor.
Kaynak: hindustantimes.com
The Racing UK pundit and Northern Echo columnist is an encyclopaedia of Cheltenham knowledge.
Racing İngiltere üstadı ve Kuzey Echo köşe Cheltenham bilginin bir ansiklopedi olduğunu.
Kaynak: gazetteherald.co.uk
He recalled consulting the Encyclopaedia of Ethics, his eye alighting on the entry for prostitution.
Gözüne fuhuş için kaydın üzerine alighting, Etik Ansiklopedisi danışmanlık hatırlattı.
Kaynak: heraldscotland.com
If you are in a secondary school and have ever been told that you are like a walking encyclopaedia, then this competition is a must!
Bir ortaokul ve hiç yürüyen bir ansiklopedi gibi olduğunu söylendi varsa, o zaman bu rekabetin bir zorunluluktur!
Kaynak: thestar.com.my
An encyclopedia (also spelled encyclopaedia or encyclopædia is a type of reference work – a compendium holding a summary of information
Kaynak: Encyclopedia
(Latin for "British Encyclopaedia"), published by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., is a general knowledge English-language encyclopaedia .
Kaynak: Encyclopædia Britannica
The Encyclopaedia of Islam (EI) is an encyclopaedia of the academic discipline of Islamic studies . It embraces articles on
Kaynak: Encyclopaedia of Islam
The Edinburgh Encyclopædia was an encyclopaedia in 18 volumes, printed and published by William Blackwood and edited by David Brewster
Kaynak: Edinburgh Encyclopædia
The Encyclopaedia of Oxford is an encyclopaedia covering the history of the university city of Oxford in England . The book was published
Kaynak: The Encyclopaedia of Oxford

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