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encyclopedic anlamı
1) ansiklopedik

"encyclopedic" için örnek kullanımlar

If you're looking for encyclopedic breadth, this is the app for you.
Eğer ansiklopedik genişliği arıyorsanız, bu sizin için bir uygulama.
Kaynak: wired.com
Kiss' Paul Stanley has an encyclopedic knowledge of the blues.
'Kiss Paul Stanley blues Ansiklopedik bir bilgi vardır.
Kaynak: washingtonexaminer.com
Over the years, he said, Mr. Osborn gained a knowledge of law that became "encyclopedic."
Yıllar geçtikçe, o dedi, Bay Osborn oldu hukuku bilgisinin kazandı "Ansiklopedik."
Kaynak: baltimoresun.com
Thatís a problem, when you need encyclopedic knowledge of the person youíre portraying.
Eğer tasvir kişinin youíre Ansiklopedik bilgi gerektiğinde, bir sorun Thatís.
Kaynak: pressconnects.com
The Macquarie Dictionary , Australia's national dictionary, became an encyclopedic dictionary after its first edition in recognition of
Kaynak: Encyclopedia
An encyclopedic dictionary typically includes a large number of short listings, arranged alphabetically, and discussing a wide range of
Kaynak: Encyclopedic dictionary
Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. (Советский Энциклопедический Словарь. СЭС) is an omnibus encyclopedic dictionary published by Sovetskaya
Kaynak: Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary
This is a list of online encyclopedic resources from Denmark, mostly in Danish, which can be freely accessed on the internet.
Kaynak: List of Danish online encyclopedic resources
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe is an encyclopedic guide which details the fictional universe featured in Marvel Comics
Kaynak: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
The Yale University Art Gallery houses a significant and encyclopedic collection of art in several buildings on the campus of Yale
Kaynak: Yale University Art Gallery
A cabinet of curiosities was an encyclopedic collection in Renaissance Europe of types of objects whose categorial boundaries were yet to
Kaynak: Cabinet of curiosities
Acta Sanctorum (Acts of the Saint s) is an encyclopedic text in 68 folio volumes of documents examining the lives of Christian saints, in
Kaynak: Acta Sanctorum
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia was one of the largest encyclopedic dictionaries of the English language. The first edition was
Kaynak: Century Dictionary
is an encyclopedic Chinese classic text compiled around 239 BCE under the patronage of the Qin Dynasty Chancellor Lü Buwei .
Kaynak: Lüshi Chunqiu
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC) is an online, searchable, encyclopedic dictionary of computing subjects It was founded
Kaynak: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
Biographical dictionaries – a type of encyclopedic dictionary limited to biographical information – have been written in many languages.
Kaynak: Biographical dictionary
This is a list of encyclopedic persons (students, alumni, faculty or academic affiliates) associated with Stanford University in the
Kaynak: List of Stanford University people
All Music Guide to Jazz is a non-fiction book that is an encyclopedic referencing of jazz music compiled under the direction of All
Kaynak: All Music Guide to Jazz
The Encyclopædia Metropolitana was an encyclopedic work published in London, from 1817 to 1845, by part publication . In all it came to
Kaynak: Encyclopædia Metropolitana
Historiae animalium ("Histories of the Animals") published at Zurich in 1551-58 and 1587, is an encyclopedic work of "an inventory of
Kaynak: Historiae animalium (Gesner)

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