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Estonia ne demek?

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Estonia anlamı
1) Estonya

"Estonia" için örnek kullanımlar

If certain reporters had lived in Estonia, how different things might be.
Bazı gazetecilere Estonya yaşasaydı, ne farklı şeyler olabilir.
Kaynak: engadget.com
Tusk said that Poland, which is preparing to join the euro area, is studying the steps Estonia made.
Tusk Polonya'nın, Euro alanına katılmak için hazırlanıyor hangi Estonya yapılan adımları incelemekte olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: baltic-course.com
In EU27, Estonia was second, behind only Romania that posted 5.1% inflation in January year on year.
AB27, Estonya yılı Ocak yılında% 5,1 enflasyon gönderdi sadece Romanya arkasında ikinci oldu.
Kaynak: balticbusinessnews.com
After so many years living in Spain, it was nice to visit Estonia and experience a real winter again.
İspanya'da yaşayan bunca yıl sonra, Estonya ziyaret edin ve tekrar gerçek bir kış deneyimi güzeldi.
Kaynak: gadling.com
Estonia. audio en-us-Estonia. ogg | ɨ | s | ˈ | t | oʊ | n | i | ə (Eesti officially the Republic of Estonia (Eesti Vabariik), is a state in
Kaynak: Estonia
The Estonia national football team represents Estonia in international association football. coach of Estonian Football Association (EJL).
Kaynak: Estonia national football team
Today's Republic of Estonia regards itself as a continuation of the 1918-1940 republic, which gained its independence from the Russian
Kaynak: Foreign relations of Estonia
Estonians (eestlased) are a Finnic people closely related to the Finns and inhabiting, primarily, the country of Estonia .
Kaynak: Estonians
Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era , beginning from around 8500 BC. Ancient Estonia worshipped the spirits of nature.
Kaynak: History of Estonia
The ground for the fate of Estonia in World War II was laid by the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact , particularly its Secret Additional
Kaynak: Estonia in World War II
The President of the Republic of Estonia (Eesti Vabariigi President) is the head of state of the Republic of Estonia . Estonia is a
Kaynak: President of Estonia
The Estonian Defence Forces. (Eesti Kaitsevägi. is the name of the unified armed forces of the Republic of Estonia . The Estonia n military
Kaynak: Military of Estonia
The occupation of the Baltic states refers to the military occupation of the three Baltic states : Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania by the
Kaynak: Occupation of the Baltic states
The Duchy of Estonia. (Hertigdömet Estland, Eestimaa hertsogkond. also known as Swedish Estonia (Swedish: Svenska Estland) was a dominion of
Kaynak: Duchy of Estonia (1561–1721)
or Estlyandskaya guberniya, Eestimaa kubermang) or Estland, also known as the Government of Estonia or Province of Estonia, was a
Kaynak: Governorate of Estonia
The Estonian Swedes, Estonia-Swedes, or Coastal Swedes (estlandssvenskar, "Estonia Swedes", colloquially aibofolke, "Island People",
Kaynak: Estonian Swedes
The Estonia women's national team is controlled by the Estonian Football Association . The team is composed of players from the domestic
Kaynak: Estonia women's national football team
The Prime Minister of Estonia (Estonian : Eesti Vabariigi peaminister) is the head of government of the Republic of Estonia .
Kaynak: Prime Minister of Estonia
MS Estonia, previously Viking Sally (1980–1990), Silja Star (−1991), and Wasa King (−1993), was a cruise ferry built in 1979/80 at the
Kaynak: MS Estonia
Danish Estonia refers to the territories of present-day Estonia that were ruled by Denmark firstly during the 13th–14th centuries and
Kaynak: Danish Estonia

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