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eutectic ne demek?

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eutectic anlamı

"eutectic" için örnek kullanımlar

In the search for new types of green solvent, ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents have come to the fore.
Yeşil solvent, iyonik sıvılar ve derin ötektik çözücüler yeni türleri için arama ön plana çıkmıştır.
Kaynak: separationsnow.com
Prof Lewis also mentions another project: eutectic freeze crystallisation, which involves freezing water contaminated by acid mine drainage.
Ötektik donma kristalizasyon, asit maden drenajı ile kirlenmiş su donma içerir: Prof Lewis ayrıca başka bir proje bahseder.
Kaynak: bdlive.co.za
A eutectic system is a mixture of chemical compounds or elements that has a single chemical composition that solidifies at a lower
Kaynak: Eutectic system
Eutectic bonding, also referred to as eutectic soldering, describes a wafer bonding technique with an intermediate metal layer that can
Kaynak: Eutectic bonding
Lead-Bismuth Eutectic or LBE is a eutectic alloy of lead (44.5%) and bismuth (55.5%) used as a coolant in some nuclear reactor s, and
Kaynak: Lead-bismuth eutectic
A deep eutectic solvent or DES is a type of ion ic solvent with special properties composed of a mixture which forms a eutectic with a
Kaynak: Deep eutectic solvent
Lidocaine/prilocaine is a eutectic mixture of equal quantities (by weight) of lidocaine and prilocaine . abbreviation for Eutectic Mixture
Kaynak: Lidocaine/prilocaine
Galinstan is a family of eutectic alloy s mainly consisting of gallium , indium , and tin . These alloys are liquids at room temperature
Kaynak: Galinstan
Molten lead or lead-bismuth eutectic can be used as the primary coolant in a nuclear reactor , as lead and bismuth have low neutron
Kaynak: Lead-cooled fast reactor
For certain proportions an alloy becomes eutectic and melts at a single temperature; non-eutectic alloys have markedly different solidus
Kaynak: Solder
FLiNaK is the name of the ternary eutectic alkaline metal fluoride salt mixture LiF -NaF -KF (46.5-11.5-42 mol It has a melting point
Kaynak: FLiNaK
In iron and steel metallurgy , ledeburite is a mixture of 4.3% carbon in iron and is a eutectic mixture of austenite and cementite .
Kaynak: Ledeburite
Linotype or eutectic alloy is a broad name applied to five categories of lead alloy s used in manufacture of type , each with three to
Kaynak: Linotype (alloy)
Lead-bismuth eutectic Arnold Palmer Regional Airport Pratt-Read LBE Load bearing equipment Lübeck-Büchen Railway Company. (Lübeck-Büchener
Kaynak: LBE (disambiguation)
easier process compared to metallic or eutectic layer procedures. Overview: The glass frit bond procedure is used for the encapsulation and
Kaynak: Glass frit bonding
Wood's metal, also known as Lipowitz's alloy or by the commercial names Cerrobend, Bendalloy, Pewtalloy and MCP 158, is a eutectic ,
Kaynak: Wood's metal
Cu 75.75 Ag 18 P 6.25 | Cu-Ag-P | 643/668 | – | Silvaloy 18M. Close to eutectic, narrow melting range, suitable for low heating rates, e.g.
Kaynak: List of brazing alloys
Since the compositions of most cast irons are around the eutectic point of the iron-carbon system, the melting temperatures closely
Kaynak: Cast iron
These textures document simultaneous crystallization of quartz and feldspar from a silicate melt at the eutectic point, perhaps in the
Kaynak: Granophyre

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