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euthanasia ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

euthanasia anlamı
1) ötenazi
2) acısız ölüm
3) ümitsiz hastanın ilaçla öldürülmesi

"euthanasia" için örnek kullanımlar

Euthanasia has been legal in Belgium since May 2002, but under very strict conditions.
Ötenazi Mayıs 2002'den bu yana Belçika'da yasal olarak, ama çok sıkı koşullar altında gelmiştir.
Kaynak: euronews.com
However, currently there is no law supporting euthanasia.
Ancak, şu anda herhangi bir kanunu destekleyecek ötenazi vardır.
Kaynak: frenchtribune.com
Contracting local and other veterinarians to perform euthanasia for AC might be an option.
AC için ötenazi gerçekleştirmek için yerel ve diğer veterinerler Akit bir seçenek olabilir.
Kaynak: theleafchronicle.com
The bill aims to reduce euthanasia of unwanted animals.
Tasarı istenmeyen hayvanların ötenazi azaltmayı hedeflemektedir.
Kaynak: miami.cbslocal.com
Animal euthanasia (from Greek , meaning "good death") is the act of humanely putting an animal to death or allowing it to die as by
Kaynak: Animal euthanasia
The right to die is the ethical or institution al entitlement of any individual to commit suicide or to undergo voluntary euthanasia .
Kaynak: Right to die
Euthanasia is illegal in New Zealand and two attempts at passing legislation on legalised euthanasia failed to get through Parliament.
Kaynak: Euthanasia in New Zealand
Legislation on euthanasia in Mexico distinguishes between passive and active euthanasia. (known as passive euthanasia) in Mexico City in
Kaynak: Euthanasia in Mexico
Euthanasia is illegal in all countries of the United Kingdom . some point in the future different laws on euthanasia could apply within the UK.
Kaynak: Euthanasia in the United Kingdom
Euthanasia is illegal in Australia , but was legal for a period in the Northern Territory . Current situation: assist in euthanasia,
Kaynak: Euthanasia in Australia
Voluntary euthanasia (from the Greek ευθανασία meaning "good death": ευ-, eu- (well or good) + θάνατος, thanatos (death) refers to the
Kaynak: Voluntary euthanasia
Involuntary euthanasia occurs when euthanasia is performed on a person who is able to provide informed consent , but does not, either
Kaynak: Involuntary euthanasia
Non-voluntary euthanasia (sometimes known as mercy killing) is euthanasia conducted where the explicit consent of the individual
Kaynak: Non-voluntary euthanasia
The Hartheim Euthanasia Centre. (NS-Tötungsanstalt Hartheim. was a Nazi killing centre that was part of their euthanasia programme , since
Kaynak: Hartheim Euthanasia Centre
A euthanasia device is a machine engineered to allow an individual to die quickly with minimal pain. by voluntary euthanasia or assisted
Kaynak: Euthanasia device
Child euthanasia is a controversial form of non-voluntary euthanasia that is applied to children who are gravely ill or suffer from
Kaynak: Child euthanasia

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