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extrasensory ne demek?

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extrasensory anlamı
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2) olağandışı hislerle ilgili olan

"extrasensory" için örnek kullanımlar

It uses sensory deprivation as a way to test for extrasensory perception, or ESP.
Bu duyular dışı algılama veya ESP test etmek için bir yol olarak duyusal yoksunluk kullanır.
Kaynak: gapersblock.com
Really, the suit could be useful for anyone interested in having extrasensory perception.
Gerçekten, takım elbise duyular dışı algılama almakla ilgilenen herkes için yararlı olabilir.
Kaynak: mnn.com
Not only is the sound experience sensational, but its appeal to extrasensory stimuli is incomparable.
Sadece sansasyonel ses deneyimi, ama duyular uyaranlara hitap kıyaslanamaz.
Kaynak: ibtimes.com
One MIT scientist said it was a step on the way to providing people with integrated extrasensory perception.
Bir MIT bilim adamı bunu entegre duyular dışı algılama ile insanlara sunmak için yolda bir adım olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: rawstory.com
There have been numerous studies to determine whether animals possess extrasensory perception s, or animal psi; Joseph Banks Rhine coined
Kaynak: Extrasensory perception in animals
also called future sight and second sight is a type of extrasensory perception that would involve the acquisition or effect of future
Kaynak: Precognition
Among his research interests were extrasensory perception , psychokinesis , mediumship , poltergeist s and psi . Much of Pratt's research
Kaynak: Joseph Gaither Pratt
In 1911, Stanford University became the first academic institution in the United States to study extrasensory perception (ESP) and
Kaynak: Parapsychology
perceive information hidden from the normal sense s through extrasensory perception (ESP), or who is said by others to have such abilities.
Kaynak: Psychic
Second sight is a form of extrasensory perception , the supposed power to perceive things that are not present to the senses whereby a
Kaynak: Second sight
Psychometry (paranormal), a form of extrasensory perception. Psychometrics , a discipline of psychology and education. Psychometric Entrance
Kaynak: Psychometry
Bitva extrasensov — The Battle of extrasensory — the Russia n TNT TV channel , filmed in the format of the British TV show «Britain's
Kaynak: Bitva extrasensov
Thouless and Wiesner to offer a non-theoretical manner of referring to extrasensory perception and psychokinesis , these terms being
Kaynak: Psi (parapsychology)

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