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extravagance ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

extravagance anlamı
1) savurganlık
2) israf
3) aşırılık
4) saçmalık
5) delilik
6) boşa harcama
7) taşkınlık

"extravagance" için örnek kullanımlar

Again, Republicans do not hold a monopoly on swankiness and extravagance.
Yine, Cumhuriyetçiler swankiness ve israf üzerinde bir tekel tutmayın.
Kaynak: uccsscribe.com
Poverty, however, has not tempered the Board's tendency for extravagance.
Yoksulluk, ancak savurganlık için Kurulu'nun eğilimi temperli değil.
Kaynak: deccanchronicle.com
It's easy to fall into extravagance at this stage, so stay vigilant.
Bu aşamada savurganlık düşmek kolaydır, bu yüzden uyanık kalmak.
Kaynak: kaleo.org
Tryphé (Greek: de:Tryphe | τρυφἠ ) - variously glossed as "softness"voluptuousness"magnificence and "extravagance", none fully adequate—is
Kaynak: Tryphé
appearances leads not only to logical impasse but also to metaphysical extravagance - as with Meinong's jungle, infested with shadowy Being
Kaynak: Meinong's jungle
Marie Antoinette , Queen of France , is best remembered for her legendary extravagance and for her death: she was executed by guillotine
Kaynak: Marie Antoinette in popular culture
impulsive decision making, extravagance in approach to reward cues, and quick loss of temper and avoidance of frustration It is measured
Kaynak: Novelty seeking
She is sometimes referred to as the Steel Butterfly or the Iron Butterfly She is often remembered for symbols of the extravagance of her
Kaynak: Imelda Marcos
Gobinda Ram Mitra) was one of the earliest Indian officials under the British rule and earned a reputation for his wealth and extravagance
Kaynak: Gobindram Mitter
She was considered one of the great beauties of pre-Revolutionary high society, but her extravagance and exclusivity earned her many
Kaynak: Yolande de Polastron
extravagance and expense, and been hailed as the "greatest ever The Beijing ceremony had cost £65m whereas London spent an estimated £27m
Kaynak: 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony
"Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate expenditures in the matter of apparel,
Kaynak: Sumptuary law
To fund his extravagance he gradually disposed of all his lands. " "The memory of his extravagance and his vices yet lingers about Kingsley
Kaynak: Richard Gargrave
at a cost of 2 500 000 000 francs Critics forced his resignation for extravagance, but his vision of the city still dominates Central Paris.
Kaynak: Georges-Eugène Haussmann
Renowned for his social films that reflected the changing middle-class ethos, Mukherjee "carved a middle path between the extravagance of
Kaynak: Hrishikesh Mukherjee
Emperor Wu was known for his extravagance and sensuality, especially after the unification of China; legends boasted of his incredible
Kaynak: Emperor Wu of Jin
gulp down or swallow, means over- indulgence and over-consumption of food , drink , or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste.
Kaynak: Gluttony
Her extravagance, foul temper and promiscuity provoked diarist John Evelyn into describing her as the "curse of the nation", whereas
Kaynak: Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland
The illustrations and ornamentation of the Book of Kells surpass that of other Insular Gospel books in extravagance and complexity.
Kaynak: Book of Kells

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