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faction ne demek?

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faction anlamı
1) hizip
2) nifak
3) gruplaşma
4) ayrılık

"faction" için örnek kullanımlar

Creative Assembly reveals the Parthians playable faction for Total War: Rome II.
Roma II: Creative Assembly Total War için Partlar oynanabilir hizip ortaya koymaktadır.
Kaynak: play.tm
The Suebi are the latest playable faction to be revealed for Total War: Rome II.
Roma II: Suebi Total War için açığa çıkarılmaya son oynanabilir hizip vardır.
Kaynak: play.tm
Sega has announced the Arverni as the fifth playable faction in Rome 2: Total War.
Total War: Sega Roma 2 beşinci oynanabilir hizip olarak Arverni duyurdu.
Kaynak: computerandvideogames.com
Faction feud behind ca park shooting in Runcorn say police.
Runcorn ca parkta çekim arkasında Fraksiyonu davası polis söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: runcornandwidnesweeklynews.co.uk
Faction or factionalism may refer to: Political faction , a group of people connected by a shared belief or opinion within a larger group
Kaynak: Faction
A political faction is a group of individuals, such as a political party , a trade union , or other group with a common political purpose.
Kaynak: Political faction
The player is an inexperienced Commander who plays a key role in their faction's campaign to bring the "Infinite War" to an end.
Kaynak: Supreme Commander (video game)
The genre is sometimes referred to as or faction, a portmanteau of "fact" and "fiction". Genre established : Geoffrey of Monmouth was
Kaynak: Non-fiction novel
The Bedfordites were an 18th century British political faction, led by John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford . Other than Bedford himself,
Kaynak: Bedfordite

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