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factional ne demek?

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factional anlamı

"factional" için örnek kullanımlar

These people are usually a frustrated group in the party's factional fighting.
Bu insanlar genellikle partinin hizipler arası mücadelede sinirli bir grubuz.
Kaynak: mysinchew.com
The lengthy report is said to contain detailed evidence of factional infighting.
Uzun raporu hizip sürtüşmenin ayrıntılı kanıtlar içerdiği söyleniyor.
Kaynak: neurope.eu
Sources said the clashes were as a result of factional politics in the province.
Kaynaklar çatışmalar ilinde hizip siyaseti sonucu olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: allafrica.com
Gillard relies on factional leaders, including Stephen Conroy.
Gillard Stephen Conroy gibi hizipçi liderler, dayanır.
Kaynak: theaustralian.com.au
A climate of intense factional conflict can also motivate individuals to focus on attacking their factional enemies rather than furthering
Kaynak: Political faction
February 2013 date January 2012 conflict 2011–present Libyan inter-factional fighting | partof the Aftermath of the Libyan civil war | image
Kaynak: 2011–present Libyan factional fighting
Palestinian extremists bomb a United Nations-run Gaza elementary school in the continuing Palestinian factional violence, killing at least
Kaynak: Timeline of the Fatah–Hamas conflict
He was considered one of the leading figures of the Niu-Li Factional Struggles — factional struggles between two factions at the Tang
Kaynak: Li Zongmin
The Federal Parliamentary Australian Labor Party , commonly known as The Caucus , is divided along formal factional lines. The two biggest
Kaynak: Australian Labor Party Caucus
The Skieringers and Fetkeapers were two opposing Frisian factional parties from the medieval period. They were responsible for a bloody
Kaynak: Vetkopers and Schieringers
The Committee for the Preservation of the Socialist Party was a short-lived organized factional grouping in the Socialist Party of America
Kaynak: Committee for the Preservation of the Socialist Party
The Labour Co-ordinating Committee (LCC) was a factional body inside the British Labour Party established in 1978 and wound-up in 1995.
Kaynak: Labour Co-ordinating Committee
Student Broad Left (SBL) was a factional grouping operating within the National Union of Students of the United Kingdom . The group was
Kaynak: Student Broad Left
Rusticucci was a Guelph in the factional politics of his day. From humble beginnings in a family of Florence's minor nobility, he
Kaynak: Iacopo Rusticucci

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