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fear ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fear anlamı
1) korku
2) korkma
3) endişe
4) kaygı
5) dehşet
6) çekinme
7) sıkıntı
8) dert
9) risk
1) korkmak
2) endişe etmek
3) kuşkulanmak
4) kuruntu etmek
5) çekinmek
6) Allah'tan korkmak

"fear" için örnek kullanımlar

Top Issue in Brownsville: Fear of the Teens, Fear for the Teens.
Brownsville Top Sayı: Gençler korkusu, gençlere yönelik korkusu.
Kaynak: thirteen.org
"We fear that some patients remain trapped at home," she continues.
"Biz bazı hastaların evde sıkışıp kalması korkuyorum," diye devam ediyor.
Kaynak: doctorswithoutborders.org
Liberal Democrats fear Obama may give away too much on budget.
Liberal Demokratlar korku Obama'nın bütçe uzakta çok verebilir.
Kaynak: news.yahoo.com
A phobia (from the φόβος, Phóbos , meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is, when used in the context of clinical psychology , a type of anxiety
Kaynak: Phobia
Many experiments have been done to find out how the brain interprets stimuli and how animals develop fear responses. fear , has been
Kaynak: Fear processing in the brain
With a premeditated shot, the frightened horse throws Krystle to the ground and she is rushed to the hospital in fear of losing the baby
Kaynak: List of Dynasty episodes
meaning "fear" or "terror") is the personification of fear in Greek mythology . He is the offspring of Aphrodite and Ares .
Kaynak: Phobos (mythology)
Sinophobia (from Late Latin Sinae "Cina" + Greek φόβος, phobos, "fear") or anti-Chinese sentiment is the fear of or dislike of China ,
Kaynak: Sinophobia

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