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fearlessly ne demek?

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fearlessly anlamı

"fearlessly" için örnek kullanımlar

They can't fearlessly seek or envision a truly better future for our children.
Onlar korkusuzca aramak ya bizim çocuklar için gerçekten iyi bir gelecek tahayyül edemez.
Kaynak: news-leader.com
Paul McKinley courageously and fearlessly stepped up to the plate.
Paul McKinley cesurca ve korkusuzca plakasına hızlandırdı.
Kaynak: communities.washingtontimes.com
Like the Crazy Cat Lady, these women are fearlessly thumbing their noses at old age.
Crazy Cat Lady gibi, bu kadınlar korkusuzca yaşta burunlarını thumbing edilir.
Kaynak: theleafchronicle.com
Helen John was the first full-time member of the Greenham Common peace camp , who has worked "fearlessly and relentlessly" to undermine the
Kaynak: Helen John
an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectival nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern individual.
Kaynak: Beyond Good and Evil
His independent temperament, outspokenness (he became famous for fearlessly confronting Stalin during their public meetings in Moscow and
Kaynak: Peljidiin Genden
As director of the NRK Førde became a prominent public figure, often known for fearlessly speaking his mind as a knowledgeable political
Kaynak: Einar Førde
for America so that others may "fearlessly speak out in defense of America, Israel and Western civilization. She frequently speaks at
Kaynak: Brigitte Gabriel
It can in certain cases be seen as heroic—for example, the soldier fearlessly charging into battle, with no care for his own safety, has a
Kaynak: Recklessness (psychology)
They would usually fear their fluttering wings , the way they move, the way they fearlessly fly towards people hoping for food , the
Kaynak: Ornithophobia
sayings have been preserved The Mishnah portrays him as a man who fearlessly and persistently maintained opinions on some halakhot , even
Kaynak: Akabia ben Mahalalel
when Scrubs received a Peabody Award in 2006 for "fearlessly smashing traditional comic formulas, all the while respecting the deepest
Kaynak: My Way Home
He was a tenacious, and courageous left-footer; and he was renowned for fearlessly burrowing into dense packs and coming out with the ball
Kaynak: Adrian Gallagher
Network, the series "exposes Adam to the world of little-known food jobs as he fearlessly puts his life – and mouth – on the line to try them all!
Kaynak: Will Work for Food (TV series)
for reinforcements, moving fearlessly to and fro under heavy cross-fire until he had collected sufficient men to drive the enemy from the fort
Kaynak: Guy Hudleston Boisragon
as a major — for fearlessly leading 250 United Nations troops to victory over 4,000 of the enemy in November 1950 at the Chosin Reservoir .
Kaynak: Reginald R. Myers
to express their views honestly and fearlessly on matters of public interest, even though that involves strong criticism of the
Kaynak: Silkin v Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd
An eloquent writer and a passionate human rights activist, he wrote fearlessly to expose the tyranny of the Indian Government over the
Kaynak: Mufti Baha-ud-din Farooqi
"anti-communist academic activities "He worked tirelessly and fearlessly" to ensure the independence of the sociology of law "against the
Kaynak: Adam Podgórecki
Colonel Liscum stood fearlessly, directing the attack on the city walls until he too was mortally wounded. His last words to his men were
Kaynak: Emerson H. Liscum
to infiltrate his viewers' consciousness with raw truths about contemporary society, and the art world in particular, frankly and fearlessly.
Kaynak: Sean Landers
The Knokcout Kings Myspace page describes their music as "fearlessly poppy rock - comparable to that of Taking Back Sunday , Saves the Day
Kaynak: Knockout Kings (band)
Captain Marriott skillfully deployed two platoon s, fearlessly led the third platoon in an assault which cleared the woods and allowed the
Kaynak: Edmund H. Marriott

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