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fearsome ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

fearsome anlamı
1) korkunç
2) dehşetli

"fearsome" için örnek kullanımlar

The fearsome shadow of relegation is hanging over Stornoway Rugby Club.
Küme düşme korkunç gölge Stornoway Rugby Kulübü üzerinde asılı.
Kaynak: stornowaygazette.co.uk
The focus was on the new palate test, which does indeed look fearsome.
Odak gerçekten korkutucu geliyo yeni damak testi oldu.
Kaynak: cambridge-news.co.uk
Alabama, Game Thread: Will full strength make Gators fearsome again?
Alabama, Oyun Konu: tam gücü tekrar Gators korkutucu yapacak mı?
Kaynak: alligatorarmy.com
The term "fearsome critter" is found in early lumberjack folklore for any of the mythical beasts that were said to inhabit the frontier
Kaynak: Fearsome critters
The barracuda is a ray-finned fish known for its large size and fearsome appearance. Its body is long, fairly compressed, and covered
Kaynak: Barracuda
The dire wolf (Canis dirus "fearsome dog") is an extinct carnivorous mammal of the genus Canis related to the smaller extant gray wolf
Kaynak: Dire wolf
The Deinonychosauria ("fearsome claw lizards") were a clade of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous
Kaynak: Deinonychosauria
The Tarasque is a fearsome legendary dragon from Provence , in southern France , tamed in a story about Saint Martha . On 25 November
Kaynak: Tarasque
are two fearsome guardians or types guardian of the Underworld in Chinese mythology , where the dead face suffering prior to
Kaynak: Ox-Head and Horse-Face
The Argopelter is a fearsome critter said to inhabit hollow trees of the conifer woods from Maine to Oregon From this vantage point, the
Kaynak: Argopelter
"Obsidian Butterfly") was a fearsome skeletal warrior goddess who ruled over the paradise world of Tamoanchan , the paradise of victims
Kaynak: Itzpapalotl

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