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fingering ne demek?

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fingering anlamı

"fingering" için örnek kullanımlar

I'm fingering chords while the girls are standing facing me and their tiny hands are strumming.
Kızlar bana bakan ve onların minik ellerini tıngırdatmaya edilmektedir ayakta iken ben akorları parmaklıyor ediyorum.
Kaynak: todaystrucking.com
Fingering through column after column in her file box, Sophie has a hard time selecting a favorite.
Onun dosyası kutusuna sütun sonra sütun aracılığıyla Parmaklayarak Sophie bir favori seçmek zor bir zaman vardır.
Kaynak: colletontoday.com
Bob Braun and Marni Magda of Laguna Beach leafed through the options while fingering their plate of pate.
Pate kendi plaka parmak süre Bob Braun ve Laguna Beach Marni Magda seçenekleri arasında yapraklı.
Kaynak: ocregister.com
In music , fingering is the choice of which finger s and hand positions to use when playing certain musical instrument s. Fingering
Kaynak: Fingering
Viscous fingering is the formation of patterns in a morphologically unstable interface between two fluids in a porous medium or in a Hele-
Kaynak: Viscous fingering
Salt fingering is a mixing process that occurs when relatively warm, salty water overlies relatively colder, fresher water. It is driven
Kaynak: Salt fingering
Essai sur le doigté du violoncelle et sur la conduite de l'archet (Essay on the fingering of the violoncello and on the conduct of the bow
Kaynak: Essay on the fingering of the violoncello and on the conduct of the bow
German fingering: century, de | Peter Harlan developed a recorder which allowed for apparently simpler fingering, called the German fingering.
Kaynak: Recorder
The Albert system refers to a system of clarinet keywork and fingering developed by Eugène Albert . In the United Kingdom it is known as
Kaynak: Albert system
resting on the fifth ledger line above the treble staff) is attainable by advanced players and is shown on many fingering charts, and
Kaynak: Clarinet
It uses the Boehm fingering system and is designed to be similar in action to a soprano saxophone , although players familiar with the
Kaynak: EWI
Comparing the layout to the piano accordion the advantages of a chromatic button accordion are the greater range and better fingering
Kaynak: Chromatic button accordion
The standard euphonium has eight possible fingering and non-fingering positions by which sound is produced. the possible fingering and non-
Kaynak: Five valve euphonium
bore, "parabolic" tapered headjoint bore, very large tone holes covered by keys, and the linked key system which simplified fingering somewhat.
Kaynak: Western concert flute
and fingered like a woodwind instrument, usually the saxophone , with the next most common being brass fingering, particularly the trumpet .
Kaynak: Wind controller
It became one of the primary sources for the prevailing keyboard fingering system used in Europe during the Baroque era There are no known
Kaynak: L'art de toucher le clavecin

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