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fingerprint ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

fingerprint anlamı
1) parmak izi
1) parmak izi almak

"fingerprint" için örnek kullanımlar

"Instead, we identify you by your biometric fingerprint," says CEO Neil Costigan.
"Bunun yerine, biz biyometrik parmak izi ile sizi tanımlamak," CEO'su Neil Costigan diyor.
Kaynak: wired.co.uk
The tool every small business owner needs is MinuteHound's fingerprint time clock.
Her küçük işletme sahibi ihtiyacı aracı MinuteHound parmak izi zaman saati olduğunu.
Kaynak: prweb.com
New iPhone 5S rumors claim Apple is planning NFC and a fingerprint reader for the iPhone 5S.
Yeni iPhone 5S söylentiler Apple NFC ve iPhone 5S için bir parmak izi okuyucu planlıyor iddia.
Kaynak: gottabemobile.com
Chipbond further noted they are supporting Apple with a fingerprint authentication sensor and NFC.
Chipbond başka bir parmak izi doğrulama sensörü ve NFC ile Apple destekliyoruz kaydetti.
Kaynak: latinospost.com
A fingerprint in its narrow sense is an impression left by the friction ridge s of a human finger In a wider use of the term, fingerprints
Kaynak: Fingerprint
Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automate d method of verifying a match between two human fingerprint s.
Kaynak: Fingerprint recognition
In public-key cryptography , a public key fingerprint is a short sequence of bytes used to authenticate or look up a longer public key .
Kaynak: Public key fingerprint
An isotopic signature (also isotopic fingerprint) is a ratio of stable or unstable isotope s of particular elements found in an investigated
Kaynak: Isotopic signature
date August 2012, Hero and Flyer and many other phones to repel fingerprint oil, which aids in preventing and cleaning fingerprint marks.
Kaynak: Lipophobicity
An acoustic fingerprint is a condensed digital summary, deterministically generated from an audio signal , that can be used to identify an
Kaynak: Acoustic fingerprint
A device fingerprint or machine fingerprint or browser fingerprint is information collected about a remote computing device for the purpose
Kaynak: Device fingerprint
Fingerprint powders are fine powders used in dusting for fingerprint s by crime scene investigators and others in law enforcement.
Kaynak: Fingerprint powder
Automated fingerprint identification is the process of automatically matching one or many unknown fingerprint s against a database of
Kaynak: Automated fingerprint identification
Fingerprint (computing), uniquely identifying data by extracting from it a small key known as a fingerprint. Public key fingerprint , a
Kaynak: Fingerprint (disambiguation)
The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) is a national automated fingerprint identification and criminal history
Kaynak: Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System

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