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flying ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

flying anlamı
1) uçan
2) uçuş
3) savrulan
4) dalgalanan
5) kısa
6) acele
7) hızla geçen
8) geçici
1) uçuş
2) uçma
3) havacılık
4) uçak kullanma

"flying" için örnek kullanımlar

FLYING over Alaska in the wintertime is a spectacular experience.
Kışın Alaska üzerinde UÇAN muhteşem bir deneyimdir.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
With a busy flying schedule, we're a few days behind in writing.
Yoğun bir uçan zamanlama ile, yazılı olarak arkasında birkaç gün değilsin.
Kaynak: alaskadispatch.com
Danica Patrick hit in head by flying rock at dirt track.
Danica Patrick kir parça kayaya uçarak kafa vurdu.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
Gun retailers: ammunition 'flying off the shelf'.
Gun perakendeciler: mühimmat 'raftan uçan'.
Kaynak: fox13now.com
An unidentified flying object, often abbreviated UFO or U.F.O., is an unusual apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable
Kaynak: Unidentified flying object
A pilot or aviator is a person actively involved in flying an aircraft . though actively involved in flying the aircraft (whether plane,
Kaynak: Pilot (aircraft)
By contrast, other mammals said to fly, such as flying squirrel s, gliding possum s, and colugo s, can only glide for short distances.
Kaynak: Bat
General aviation covers a large range of activities , both commercial and non-commercial, including private flying, flight training , air
Kaynak: General aviation
Unpowered fixed-wing aircraft, including free-flying gliders of various kinds and tethered kites, can use moving air to gain height.
Kaynak: Fixed-wing aircraft
A flying buttress is a specific form of buttress ing most strongly associated with Gothic church architecture . The purpose of any
Kaynak: Flying buttress
such as the flying automaton of Archytas of Tarentum (428–347 BC the winged flights of Abbas Ibn Firnas (810–887), Eilmer of Malmesbury
Kaynak: Aviation
A flying roller coaster is a variation of roller coaster meant to simulate the sensations of flight by harnessing riders in a prone
Kaynak: Flying roller coaster
A fly system, flying system or theatrical rigging system, is a system of lines (e.g. ropes), blocks (pulley s), counterweight s and
Kaynak: Fly system
Flying armbar: The flying armbar is a version of the jūji-gatame that is performed from a stand-up position. Without a gi, it is typically
Kaynak: Armlock
degree of fine control and mobility in terms of the abruptness with which they can change direction and speed, not seen in other flying insects.
Kaynak: Insect wing
Flying: Flying is the class that teaches the use of broomsticks made for the use of flying and is taught only to Hogwarts first years by
Kaynak: Magic in Harry Potter
Flight Gliding | Levitation | Transvection (flying) Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air current s or to fly self-propelled through
Kaynak: List of superhuman features and abilities in fiction

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