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flypaper ne demek?

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flypaper anlamı
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"flypaper" için örnek kullanımlar

This whole affair is working like flypaper for D.C.'s thriving popu
Bu bütün mesele DC'nin gelişen popu için sineklik gibi çalışıyor
Kaynak: slate.com
It seems to me there isn't much call for flypaper these days.
Bu sineklik bugünlerde pek revaçta değil gibi geliyor bana.
Kaynak: noozhawk.com
His office is inside a metal container with sticky flypaper hanging from the ceiling.
Ofisinden tavandan asılı yapışkan flypaper bir metal konteynır içinde.
Kaynak: stltoday.com
V tells him that with his designer jeans and coconut hair product, he's like "gay flypaper".
V onun tasarımcı kot ve hindistan cevizi saç ürün ile, o "gay flypaper" gibi olduğunu söyler.
Kaynak: afterelton.com
The flypaper effect is the finding that "money sticks where it hits", like flies stick to flypaper . The concept was first described in
Kaynak: Flypaper effect
The flypaper theory of tax incidence is a pejorative term used by economist s to describe the assumption that the burden of a tax , like a
Kaynak: Flypaper theory (economics)
In military strategy , the flypaper theory is the idea that it is desirable to draw enemies to a single area where it is easier to kill them
Kaynak: Flypaper theory (strategy)
The sundew species Drosera glanduligera employs a unique trapping mechanism with features of both flypaper and snap traps; this has been
Kaynak: Carnivorous plant
Some pitcher plant families (such as Nepenthaceae) are placed within clades consisting mostly of flypaper traps, indicating that some
Kaynak: Pitcher plant
Flypaper traps: File:Stylidium productum. JPG | A protocarnivorous flypaper trap below the flowers of Stylidium productum . Dr. George Spomer
Kaynak: Protocarnivorous plant
The trapping mechanism of this species is unique in that it combines features of both flypaper and snap traps; it has been termed a
Kaynak: Drosera glanduligera
The leaves are considered active flypaper traps that respond to captured prey by bending to surround it. In its native fynbos habitat,
Kaynak: Drosera regia
presented evidence for the evolution of snap traps of Dionaea and Aldrovanda from a flypaper trap like D. regia, based on molecular data .
Kaynak: Venus flytrap

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