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forage ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

forage anlamı
1) yem
2) yiyecek
3) baskın
4) yiyecek peşinde koşma
5) hücum
1) yiyecek aramak
2) eşelemek
3) didiklemek
4) araştırmak
5) yağmalamak
6) baskın yapmak

"forage" için örnek kullanımlar

Another excellent plant to put in during late spring is a forage soybean.
Geç ilkbahar aylarında koymak için bir başka mükemmel bir bitkidir yem soya olduğunu.
Kaynak: nvdaily.com
The plan uses rainfall as an indicator of forage quality and quantity.
Planı yem miktar ve kalite göstergesi olarak yağış kullanır.
Kaynak: betterfarming.com
These grasses provide good habitat for wildlife and good forage for livestock.
Bu otlar yaban hayatı ve hayvancılık için iyi bir yem için iyi bir habitat sağlamaktadır.
Kaynak: wilsonpost.com
Size of US beef herds dropped in the face of less forage and feed.
ABD sığır sürüleri büyüklüğü az yem ve yem karşısında düştü.
Kaynak: thepoultrysite.com
Amongst land animals, forage is plant material (mainly plant leaves and stems) eaten by grazing livestock Historically, the term forage
Kaynak: Forage
"Fodder" refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage
Kaynak: Fodder
For bee s, their forage or food supply consists of nectar and pollen from blooming plant s within flight range. The forage sources for
Kaynak: Forage (honey bee)
Forage harvester s collect and chop the plant material, and deposit it in trucks or wagons. These forage harvesters can be either tractor
Kaynak: Silage
A forage harvester (also known as a silage harvester, forager or chopper) is a farm implement that harvests forage plants to make silage
Kaynak: Forage harvester
Bassia prostrata (syn Kochia prostrata) (forage kochia) is a Eurasian plant in the subfamily Camphorosmoideae of the family
Kaynak: Bassia prostrata
Forage silo usage Forage harvesting: File:Forage harvester - forage wagon 320x240. -driven towed New Holland forage harvester, John Deere
Kaynak: Silo
Arachis glabrata (Creeping forage peanut, Rhizoma peanut, Rhizoma perennial peanut, Perennial forage peanut,Golden Glory; Portuguese
Kaynak: Arachis glabrata
Dumpster diving is also viewed as an effective urban foraging technique Dumpster divers will forage dumpsters for items such as clothing
Kaynak: Dumpster diving

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