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forcemeat ne demek?

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"forcemeat" için örnek kullanımlar

A petite delicate quail was boned and stuffed with a forcemeat that included whole pine nuts.
Bir minyon narin bıldırcın boned ve tüm çam fıstığı dahil forcemeat ile doldurulmuş.
Kaynak: montereyherald.com
From the bones and legs she produces a jus that, when reduced to the consistency of syrup, will go into the forcemeat.
Kemikleri ve bacak itibaren o şurup kıvamına indirgendiğinde, forcemeat girecek, bir jus üretir.
Kaynak: lamag.com
The meat scandal in Iceland has acquired a new flavor after the testing of pies with forcemeat for the presence of horse meat showed a total lack of meat there.
İzlanda eti skandalı At eti varlığı için forcemeat ile turta test var eti toplam eksikliği gösterdi sonra yeni bir lezzet kazanmıştır.
Kaynak: english.ruvr.ru
Colby basically debones the duck and stuffs it with a forcemeat made from the duck legs and a little pancetta, then puts the duck back together and ties it up like a roast.
Colby temelde ördek kemiği ayıklaması ve ördek bacak ve küçük pancetta yapılmış forcemeat ile maddeleri, daha sonra tekrar bir araya ördek koyar ve rosto gibi birbirine bağlar.
Kaynak: latimes.com
ʁin) is a French forcemeat loaf similar to a pâté , made with more coarsely chopped ingredients Terrines are usually served cold or at
Kaynak: Terrine (food)
A ballotine is traditionally a boned thigh part of the chicken, duck or other poultry stuffed with forcemeat and other ingredients.
Kaynak: Ballotine
Galantines are often stuffed with forcemeat , and pressed into a cylindrical shape. Since deboning poultry is thought of as difficult and
Kaynak: Galantine
Names for stuffing include 'farce' (~1390), 'stuffing' (1538), 'forcemeat' (1688), and 'dressing After about 1880, the term stuffing was
Kaynak: Stuffing
Although the dish historically consisted of a minced-fish forcemeat stuffed inside the fish skin, as its name implies, since the 19th
Kaynak: Gefilte fish
The same term may also be used for a chicken thigh that has been stuffed , usually with forcemeat , shaped like a ham and braised.
Kaynak: Jambonneau
Traditionally, a forcemeat mixture cooked and served in a terrine is also called a terrine . The most famous pâté is probably pâté de
Kaynak: Pâté
Stand all these together for about an hour, and send it up to the table with the forcemeat balls made small and the yolks of hard eggs."
Kaynak: Mock turtle soup
A dish from Wiltshire called the Devizes Pie , is layered forcemeat or offal cooked under a huff paste. See also: Food. Beef Wellington
Kaynak: Huff paste
Paupiettes of lamb à la créole, where the stuffing is pork forcemeat with onion s and peppers stuffing is a pork forcemeat mixed with a dry
Kaynak: Paupiette
Served with stuffing, gravy and sometimes forcemeat; pigs in blankets; cranberry sauce or redcurrant jelly; bread sauce; roast potatoes
Kaynak: Christmas dinner
Variants: fish buns”: fisk + boller ) from forcemeat . In Northern Germany , fish cakes are known as Fischfrikadellen. In Romania ,
Kaynak: Fishcake
permissible, especially during the medieval period, to amplify a liturgical formula by interpolating a farse (from Medieval Latin farsa, forcemeat
Kaynak: Interpolation (music)

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