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forcible ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

forcible anlamı
1) zorla yapılan
2) etkili

"forcible" için örnek kullanımlar

He was charged with forcible sodomy, a felony offense, in October 2012.
O Ekim 2012 yılında zorla oğlancılık, ağır bir suç, suçlandı.
Kaynak: roswell.patch.com
He was arrested and charged with forcible confinement, outraging many Canadians.
Birçok Kanadalılar öfkelendirmekte, zorla hapsetme ile tutuklandı ve suçlandı.
Kaynak: cbc.ca
Surveillance images released of forcible touching suspect.
Gözetim görüntüleri zorla dokunaklı şüphelinin yayımladı.
Kaynak: hudsonvalley.ynn.com
Forcible Entry Act is a stock short title used for legislation in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland relating to forcible entry
Kaynak: Forcible Entry Act
The Forcible Entry Act 1381 (5 Ric 2 St 1 c 7) was an Act of the Parliament of the Kingdom of England . offence of forcible entry which
Kaynak: Forcible Entry Act 1381
The Forcible Entry Act 1623 (21 Jac 1 c 15) was an Act of the Parliament of the Kingdom of England . respect of which forcible entry or
Kaynak: Forcible Entry Act 1623
Statutes concerning forcible entries and riots confirmed or the Forcible Entry Act 1391 (15 Ric 2 c 2) (1391) was an Act of the
Kaynak: Statutes concerning forcible entries and riots confirmed
also be known as unlawful detainer, summary possession, summary dispossess, forcible detainer, ejectment, and repossession, among other terms.
Kaynak: Eviction
Lack of consent may result from either forcible compulsion by the perpetrator or an incapacity to consent on the part of the victim (such
Kaynak: Rape
"Deportation or forcible transfer of population" is defined as a crime against humanity by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Kaynak: Population transfer
Methods such as repressive laws, demolition of temples and mosques, destruction of holy books, fines and the forcible conversion of orphans
Kaynak: Forced conversion
Eloquence (from Latin eloquentia) is fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking. It is primarily the power of expressing strong
Kaynak: Eloquence
The death marches refer to the forcible movement between Autumn 1944 and late April 1945 by Nazi Germany of hundreds of thousands of
Kaynak: Death marches (Holocaust)
Boarding (attack), the forcible insertion of personnel onto a naval vessel. Boarding (ice hockey), a penalty called when an offending player
Kaynak: Boarding
Purge , forcible removal of undesirable people from political activity, etc. Purge (album), an album by Bif Naked. Purge (comics), a Star
Kaynak: Purge (disambiguation)
forcible displacement, mass murder, or by threats of such acts, with the intent of creating a territory inhabited by people of a
Kaynak: Ethnic cleansing
The Pig is a specialty firefighting tool used mainly for roof ventilation, forcible entry and wall breaching Invented by a member of the
Kaynak: The Pig

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