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frame-up ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

frame-up anlamı
1) komplo
2) dolap
3) danışıklı dövüş
4) entrika
5) üçkâğıt
6) dolandırıcılık

"frame-up" için örnek kullanımlar

A frame-up (frameup) or setup is an American term referring to the act of framing someone, that is, providing false evidence or false
Kaynak: Frameup
He was tried on a morals charge , and then it was later shown that he was the victim of a frame-up by local police authorities.
Kaynak: Carl Ingold Jacobson
discover their planes are used by other government agents to smuggle heroin ; and then, they must avoid being made patsies in a frame-up .
Kaynak: Air America (film)
He also claimed that the Nanjing Massacre was a politically motivated frame-up by China and the numerous Western eyewitnesses, whose
Kaynak: The Truth about Nanjing
1985, he was arrested for profiting North Korea (which was a frequent frame-up to the democracy movement by the military government) and
Kaynak: Kim Geun-tae
The protagonist, a private investigator , is hired to expose a celebrity bass fisherman as a cheat and is drawn into a frame-up for
Kaynak: Double Whammy (novel)
that inquired into the charges made against Trotsky in the Moscow show trials , and found the Moscow trials to have been a complete frame-up.
Kaynak: George Novack
By the middle of the 1960s, however, his popularity began to wane when he was incriminated, in a criminal frame-up, by his detractors.
Kaynak: Alamu Atatalo
He is particularly infamous for the frame-up of the popular Italian talk show host, Enzo Tortora , whom he falsely accused of Cocaine
Kaynak: Giovanni Melluso
It later transpired that Busuttil had been the victim of a police frame-up. A second man, Nicholas Ellul, was also charged with the murder
Kaynak: Raymond Caruana
Subplots include a struggle to free two black youth who are the victims of a racist frame-up, and the fight against the efforts of Turpin
Kaynak: Magic Fern (novel)

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