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frigate ne demek?

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frigate anlamı
1) firkateyn
2) yelkenli üç direkli savaş gemisi

"frigate" için örnek kullanımlar

During Operation Beachy, the frigate SAS Spioenkop will simulate a cruise ship.
Operasyon Beachy sırasında firkateyni SAS Spioenkop bir cruise gemisi simule eder.
Kaynak: defenceweb.co.za
State media say China's navy has taken delivery of a new type of stealth frigate.
Devlet medya Çin'in donanma stealth fırkateyn yeni bir tür olarak teslim aldı söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: rthk.hk
China releases details of a new stealth missile frigate.
Çin yeni bir gizli füze firkateyni ayrıntıları bültenleri.
Kaynak: rt.com
China's first Type 056 stealth frigate was delivered to the PLA Navy in Shanghai on Monday.
Çin'in ilk Tipi 056 stealth fırkateyn Pazartesi günü Şangay PLA Donanma teslim edildi.
Kaynak: news.xinhuanet.com
A frigate. (icon | ˈ | f | r | ɪ | ɡ | ɨ | t is any of several types of warship , the term having been used for ships of various sizes and
Kaynak: Frigate
The Type 23 frigate or Duke class is a class of frigate built for the United Kingdom's Royal Navy . The ships are named after British
Kaynak: Type 23 frigate
The Oliver Hazard Perry class is a class of frigate s named after the American Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry , the hero of the naval
Kaynak: Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate
The River class frigate was a class of 151 frigate s launched between 1941 and 1944 for use as anti-submarine convoy escorts in the
Kaynak: River-class frigate
Steam frigate s and the smaller steam corvette s were steam-powered warships. The first vessel that can be considered a steam warship was
Kaynak: Steam frigate
The Leander-class, or Type 12I frigates comprising twenty-six vessels, was among the most numerous and long-lived classes of frigate in
Kaynak: Leander-class frigate
This article is a list of French naval frigate s during the Age of Sail, from the middle of the 17th century (when the type emerged) until
Kaynak: List of French sail frigates
The Halifax-class frigate (hull designation FFH) is a class of multi-role patrol frigate s that have served the Royal Canadian Navy
Kaynak: Halifax-class frigate
This is a list of frigate classes of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom (and the individual ships composed within those classes) in
Kaynak: List of frigate classes of the Royal Navy
The Rothesay class, or Type 12M frigates were a class of frigate s serving with the Royal Navy , South African Navy (where they were
Kaynak: Rothesay-class frigate
The Loch class was a class of anti-submarine (A/S) frigate built for the Royal Navy and her allies during World War II .
Kaynak: Loch-class frigate
The Leda-class frigates, were a successful class of forty-seven British Royal Navy 38-gun sailing frigate s. Hébé class frigate that the
Kaynak: Leda-class frigate
The Álvaro de Bazán class (also known as the F100 class of frigate s) are a new class of Aegis combat system -equipped air defence
Kaynak: Álvaro de Bazán-class frigate
Since they are related to the pelican s, the term "frigate pelican" is also a name applied to them. They have long wings, tails, and bills
Kaynak: Frigatebird
The Vasco da Gama class is a class of frigate s of the Portuguese Navy . Named in honor of the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama , the
Kaynak: Vasco da Gama-class frigate
In later years sixth-rate frigates were sometimes called "jackass frigates", as they were really not quite big enough for proper frigate
Kaynak: Sixth-rate
From mid-century, a new fifth-rate type was introduced - the classic frigate , with no gun ports on the lower deck, and the main battery
Kaynak: Fifth-rate

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