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gelignite ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

gelignite anlamı
1) jelâtinli dinamit

"gelignite" için örnek kullanımlar

Some nine kilograms of Amonia, detonation wire and 49 sticks of gelignite were seized following a search on the man's residence, police said.
Amonyak, patlatma tel ve jelâtinli dinamit 49 sopalarla bazı dokuz kilogram adamın ikamet bir arama sonrasında ele geçirildi, polis söyledi.
Kaynak: sundaytimes.lk
Most were unaware that, to save the city from flooding, a load of gelignite was in the back of a ute ready to blow a hole in a bank if needed.
Çoğu sel kenti kurtarmak için, habersiz, jelâtinli dinamit bir yük gerekirse bir banka bir delik hazır bir ute geri oldu.
Kaynak: nzherald.co.nz
"They may have invented gelignite but they cannot do without water. Some take it neat from rivers and wells. Some have it clinically treated and reservoired.
"Onlar jelâtinli dinamit icat olabilir ama su olmadan yapamaz. Bazıları nehir ve kuyulardan sek içerim. Bazı klinik olarak tedavi ve reservoired var.
Kaynak: allafrica.com
'Gelignite' Jack Murray raised the profile of the rallying as a sport in Australia and to this day everyone involved in or interested in the sport knows his name.
'Jelâtinli dinamit' Jack Murray Avustralya'da bir spor olarak ve yer veya spor ile ilgilenen bu gün herkes için toparlayıcı bir profilini yükseltmiştir onun adını biliyor.
Kaynak: rallysportmag.com.au
Brit1 In 1875 Nobel invented gelignite , more stable and powerful than dynamite, and in 1887 patented ballistite , a forerunner of cordite
Kaynak: Alfred Nobel
loaded sawn-off .22 calibre rifle and had suspended over a torch battery a bare wire attached to a detonator adjoining two sticks of gelignite .
Kaynak: Trans Australia Airlines Flight 408
May 18 - Two men sentenced to 10 and 15 years penal servitude respectively for possession of 10 bundles of gelignite, a 5 pound pack of
Kaynak: S-Plan
She mostly disappeared after being destroyed with gelignite, however in March 2010, some of the hull re-emerged from the Doom Bar,
Kaynak: Antoinette (barque)
The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) detonated two 6- pound gelignite bombs at two pubs in Guildford , England . The pubs were
Kaynak: Guildford pub bombings
party which took part in an attack on a convoy transporting gelignite at Soloheadbeg in county Tipperary on the same day that 1st Dáil met.
Kaynak: Séamus Robinson (Irish republican)
after he had totally destroyed a van with gelignite. The audio commentary to the DVD of the first Tomorrow People story, The Slaves of
Kaynak: Michael Standing (actor)
The African Queen is well-stocked with tinned food, and carries a cargo of two hundredweight of blasting gelignite . It also holds two
Kaynak: The African Queen (novel)
A bomb made of 6lb of gelignite with the addition of shrapnel was thrown through the window into the bar on 7 November 1974.
Kaynak: Kings Arms, Woolwich
The most notable event was in 1982, when self-described anarchist punk Neil Roberts , aged 22, detonated a home-made gelignite bomb upon
Kaynak: National Law Enforcement System
seized a quantity of gelignite and two Royal Irish Constabulary constables (James McDonnell and Patrick O'Connell) were shot dead in the process.
Kaynak: Irish Republican Army
On 7 October 1985, gelignite and detonator s were stolen from the Tryconnel Mine at Blackwood. On 25 March 1986, a Holden Commodore was
Kaynak: Russell Street Bombing
Similar mixtures, such as "dualine" (1867), "lithofracteur" (1869), and "gelignite " (1875), were formed by mixing nitroglycerin with
Kaynak: Nitroglycerin
explosive power of nitroglycerine, eventually leading to the invention of dynamite , ballistite and gelignite from which he made a fortune.
Kaynak: Ascanio Sobrero
and in May 1957 the group blew up the canal lock in Newry with gelignite that they had stolen The group was armed by contacts Kelly had
Kaynak: Saor Uladh

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