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graphite ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

graphite anlamı
1) grafit

"graphite" için örnek kullanımlar

Getting dry or powdered graphite into a lock mechanism can be tricky.
Bir kilit mekanizması içine kuru veya toz grafit almak zor olabilir.
Kaynak: greenfieldvedette.com
Mafic gneisses contain disseminated sulphides and pockets of pyrite and graphite.
Mafik gnayslar dissemine sülfit ve pirit ve grafit cepler içerir.
Kaynak: marketwire.com
nor graphite itself are on the average investor's radar.
ne de grafit kendisini ortalama yatırımcı radar vardır.
Kaynak: smallcapnetwork.com
On the underside of the skateboard, there was a large chunk of graphite attached to the nose.
Kaykay alt üzerinde, burun bağlı grafit büyük bir yığın vardı.
Kaynak: psfk.com
There are several allotropes of carbon of which the best known are graphite , diamond , and amorphous carbon The physical properties of
Kaynak: Carbon
Nuclear graphite is any grade of graphite , usually electro-graphite , specifically manufactured for use as a moderator or reflector
Kaynak: Nuclear graphite
Most pencil cores are made of graphite mixed with a clay binder, leaving grey or black marks that can be easily erased . Graphite
Kaynak: Pencil
The material is also referred to as graphite-reinforced polymer or graphite fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP is less common, as it clashes
Kaynak: Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer
Compacted graphite iron (CGI), also known as vermicular graphite iron (GJV, VG JV or GGV from the "Gusseisen mit Vermiculargraphit)
Kaynak: Compacted graphite iron
Pyrolytic carbon is a material similar to graphite , but with some covalent bond ing between its graphene sheets as a result of
Kaynak: Pyrolytic carbon
A graphite lined stamp is a postage stamp on which vertical lines of electro-conductive graphite are printed on the reverse.
Kaynak: Graphite lined stamp
Graphite is one of the allotropes of carbon. Graphite may also refer to: nuclear graphite , synthetic graphite used as a neutron moderator
Kaynak: Graphite (disambiguation)
Carbon fiber, alternatively graphite fiber, carbon graphite or CF, is a material consisting of fibers about 5–10 μm in diameter and
Kaynak: Carbon (fiber)

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