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gular ne demek?

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"gular" için örnek kullanımlar

Ancient Indian writings prescribed planting of broad leaved trees of bargad, gular and peepal along the boundary of villages.
Eski Hint yazılarına köylerin sınırları boyunca gular ve Peepal bargad geniş yapraklı ağaçlar, dikim reçete.
Kaynak: tribuneindia.com
Gular is of or pertaining to the throat , and may more specifically refer to: Gular scales in reptiles. Gular scute , or gular projection,
Kaynak: Gular
A gular fold is a feature of the body of lizards . it is found on the ventral throat , and looks like a collar . See also : Gular
Kaynak: Gular fold
increase friction and enhance grip. Bird s also avoid overheating by gular fluttering, flapping the wings near the gular (throat) skin ,
Kaynak: Thermoregulation
Most snake s have a longitudinal groove on the underside of the head between large, paired chin shields and smaller gular scales.
Kaynak: Mental groove
They have long wings, tails, and bills and the males have a red gular pouch that is inflated during the breeding season to attract a mate
Kaynak: Frigatebird
In breeding season, the male is able to distend its striking red gular sac. The species feeds on fish taken in flight from the ocean's
Kaynak: Great Frigatebird
Most have a bare throat patch (gular patch), and the nostril s have evolved into dysfunctional slits, forcing them to breathe through
Kaynak: Pelecaniformes
region, which are in contact with the first ventral scales of a snake's body and are flanked by the chin shields , are called gular scales.
Kaynak: Snake scales
The second is the large gular sac (found in both males and females of the species), which is a throat pouch that can be inflated to the
Kaynak: Siamang
They have several adaptations for obtaining their prey including short powerful wings, a gular pouch for storing food, and their nostrils
Kaynak: Diving petrel
When it is mating season, male satyr tragopans grow blue horns and a gular wattle. When ready to display, they will inflate their horns
Kaynak: Satyr Tragopan

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