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hereditary ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

hereditary anlamı
1) kalıtsal
2) ırsi
3) intikal eden

"hereditary" için örnek kullanımlar

"Many are under the impression that kidney disease is hereditary but it is not," he said.
"Birçok böbrek hastalığı kalıtsal olduğu izlenimi altında ama öyle değil," dedi.
Kaynak: zeenews.india.com
Often there are no symptoms and can be hereditary.
Genellikle hiçbir belirti ve kalıtsal olabilir.
Kaynak: eastside.14news.com
Dr Wiafe said the disease was hereditary and could be contracted by anybody whose parents had it.
Dr Wiafe hastalığın kalıtsal olduğunu ve ebeveynleri vardı herkes tarafından sözleşmeli söyledi.
Kaynak: citifmonline.com
Various hereditary mechanisms were envisaged without being properly tested or quantified. These included blending inheritance and the
Kaynak: Heredity
A hereditary monarchy is the most common type of monarchy and is the form that is used by almost all of the world's existing monarchies.
Kaynak: Hereditary monarchy
possesses more acknowledged privilege s or eminence than members of most other classes in a society, membership therein typically being hereditary.
Kaynak: Nobility
Hereditary titles, in a general sense, are title s, positions or style s that are hereditary and thus tend or are bound to remain in
Kaynak: Hereditary title
syndrome , hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer , and hereditary multiple exostoses , which is a highly penetrant autosomal dominant disorder.
Kaynak: Genetic disorder
histone proteins The full set of hereditary material in an organism (usually the combined DNA sequences of all chromosomes) is called the genome .
Kaynak: Genetics
In mathematics , especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory , a ring R is called hereditary if all submodule s of
Kaynak: Hereditary ring
In hereditary monarchies the order of succession determines who becomes the new monarch when the incumbent sovereign dies or vacates the
Kaynak: Order of succession
In mathematics , a hereditary property is a property of an object, that inherits to all its subobjects, where the term subobject depends on
Kaynak: Hereditary property
In set theory , a hereditary set (or pure set) is a set all of whose elements are hereditary sets. That is, all elements of the set are
Kaynak: Hereditary set
As such Edward was succeeded by Harold Godwinson , who made no hereditary claim but was the most powerful landowner and adviser under
Kaynak: Succession to the British throne
Additionally, Jacobites believe that the royal succession is determined by God and by hereditary right, not by Parliament. Mary's hereditary
Kaynak: Jacobite succession

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