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higher ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

higher anlamı
1) ileri
1) daha yukarı

"higher" için örnek kullanımlar

Insurers paced the advance, led higher by Italy's Assicurazioni Generali .
Sigortacılar, önceden tempolu İtalya'nın Assicurazioni Generali daha yüksek olmuştur.
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
4% to compensate for "a higher than necessary increase" last year.
% 4 "gerekli bir artış daha yüksek" Geçen yıl telafi etmek için.
Kaynak: bdlive.co.za
The Nikkei ended 1.2% higher at 12381.19, as the yen weakened against the dollar.
Yen dolar karşısında zayıfladı gibi Nikkei, 12.381,19 az% 1.2 daha sona erdi.
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
The increase puts oil in storage 10.5 percent higher than levels one year earlier.
Artış bir yıl önceki seviyeleri daha yüksek depolama yüzde 10,5 yağ koyar.
Kaynak: usnews.com
A university is an institution of higher education and research which grants academic degree s in a variety of subjects and provides
Kaynak: University
Vascular plants (from latin vasculum: duct), also known as tracheophytes (from the equivalent greek term trachea) and also higher plants,
Kaynak: Vascular plant
In all mammals, it is involved in "higher functions" such as sensory perception , generation of motor commands , spatial reasoning ,
Kaynak: Neocortex
At higher doses, undesired side effects appear and grow stronger as the dose increases. The more potent a particular substance is, the
Kaynak: Dose–response relationship

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