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highfalutin ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"highfalutin" için örnek kullanımlar

Home to the highfalutin, the bluffers, the desperate and the ridiculous.
Tumturaklı Home, bluffers, umutsuz ve saçma.
Kaynak: spokesman.com
The highfalutin restaurant at Willows Lodge in Woodinville has a food truck.
Woodinville Willows Lodge şatafatlı restoranda bir gıda kamyonu var.
Kaynak: seattle.eater.com
So a few weeks ago, I decided to introduce them and a couple of their friends to some of the more highfalutin' sites near us.
Yani bir kaç hafta önce, bize yakın daha şatafatlı 'siteler bazı onları ve birkaç arkadaş tanıtmak karar verdi.
Kaynak: articles.glendalenewspress.com
That piece, which was very intellectual and a little highfalutin in the way it was written, was always likely to be misunderstood.
Çok entelektüel ve yazılmış şekilde biraz şatafatlı oldu Bu parça, her zaman yanlış olma olasılığı vardı.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
uncommon frankness, as well as what one critic called a "highfalutin, professorial air that has occasionally caused him political embarrassment
Kaynak: Bill Lockyer
Condé Nast , suggesting that her Spring 2011 show was "highfalutin in the extreme Her focus has been on creating constructed yet feminine pieces
Kaynak: Hannah Marshall (fashion designer)
Similar terms : highfalutin. See also : Bourgeois Lexicon African American Vernacular English Creole language Slang References : Category:Social
Kaynak: Seddity
slug dw-wetzel-streamline-hotel-daytona-500-022512 | title Birthplace of NASCAR is a historic, highfalutin, hidden gem in Daytona Beach |
Kaynak: Streamline Hotel
He wasn't highfalutin; he was just a good bloke. There are some commanding officers I wouldn't walk five miles for, but I'd go miles and
Kaynak: Frederick Oliver Chilton
sometimes he falls into a neat little essay that could have been left out, or soars into highfalutin' rhetoric with a veneer of folksiness.
Kaynak: Gordon Baxter
He finds minimum-wage employment as a janitor at The World of Darkness, but his highfalutin language and his stated desires to attend
Kaynak: Swamplandia!
called the series' early installments "highfalutin hodgepodge" but the ending "a valediction" that "more than delivers on what has been promised
Kaynak: The Dark Tower (series)
"The A.V. Club 's Steven Hyden gave the album a grade of "A," writing: "For a highfalutin concept record, the component parts of David
Kaynak: David Comes to Life

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