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highly ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

highly anlamı
1) son derece
2) çok
3) büyük ölçüde
4) çok iyi

"highly" için örnek kullanımlar

The Mets as a team did not rank highly in many offensive categories last year.
Bir takım olarak Mets geçen yıl birçok saldırı kategorilerde yüksek rütbe vermedi.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Their shtick is support and they are highly regarded in the large enterprise space.
Onların shtick destek ve onlar çok büyük kuruluş uzayda kabul edilmektedir.
Kaynak: theregister.co.uk
Back then, Pierce was a highly touted swingman, headed for the University of Kansas.
O, Pierce derece Kansas Üniversitesi için başlı, swingman lanse oldu.
Kaynak: boston.com
Google's revenue is highly dependent on Internet advertising.
Google'ın gelirlerinin internet reklamcılığı son derece bağlıdır.
Kaynak: macworld.co.uk
NOTOC_A highly composite number (HCN) is a positive integer with more divisor s than any smaller positive integer. twenty-one highly
Kaynak: Highly composite number
A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a person having the innate trait of high sensory processing sensitivity (or innate sensitiveness as
Kaynak: Highly sensitive person
A highly elliptical orbit (HEO) is an elliptic orbit with a low-altitude (about 1000 | km | nmi) perigee and a high-altitude (over 35,786
Kaynak: Highly elliptical orbit
In number theory , a branch of mathematics , a highly cototient number is a positive integer k which is above one and has more solutions to
Kaynak: Highly cototient number
A highly totient number k is an integer that has more solutions to the equation φ(x) k, where φ is Euler's totient function , than any
Kaynak: Highly totient number
In mathematics , a superior highly composite number is a natural number n for which exists a positive real number ε such that for all
Kaynak: Superior highly composite number
The highly qualified teacher provision is one of the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001. The term highly qualified
Kaynak: Highly qualified teachers
In mathematics , a highly abundant number is a natural number with the property that the sum of its divisors (including itself) is greater
Kaynak: Highly abundant number
A highly accelerated life test (HALT), is a stress test ing methodology for accelerating product reliability during the engineering
Kaynak: Highly accelerated life test

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