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highroad ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

highroad anlamı
1) cadde
2) anayol

"highroad" için örnek kullanımlar

Brammeier came to the team after previously racing with the HTC Highroad and Omega Pharma Quick Step squads and has worked hard over the winter to be in good shape.
Daha önce HTC Road'ın ve Omega Pharma Quick Step kadroları ile yarış ve iyi durumda olması için kış boyunca sert çalıştı sonra Brammeier ekibi geldi.
Kaynak: velonation.com
Via Aurelia is an ancient highroad of Italy , the date of the construction of which is unknown. It ran from Rome to Alsium , where it
Kaynak: Aurelian Way
Beška Bridge (Мост код Бешке or Most kod Beške) is a concrete highroad bridge on the Danube river near Beška , Serbia . The bridge was
Kaynak: Beška Bridge
Via Caecilia, an ancient highroad of Italy , which diverged from the Via Salaria at the 35th mile (56 km) from Rome , and ran by Amiternum
Kaynak: Via Caecilia

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