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hysteria ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

hysteria anlamı
1) histeri
2) isteri
3) sinir bozukluğu

"hysteria" için örnek kullanımlar

We are advocating an outcome that's based on facts, not on hype and hysteria.
Biz yutturmaca ve histeri Gerçekler, dayanan bir sonuç savunuyor.
Kaynak: orlandosentinel.com
Adam Schefter tweeted the following, and sent Buccaneer fans on Twitter into hysteria.
Adam Schefter aşağıdaki tweeted ve histeri içine Twitter Buccaneer hayranları gönderdi.
Kaynak: thepewterplank.com
parade and NFL free agent hysteria to pose this question: Has reality set in for the Hawks?
Bu soruyu geçit ve NFL free agent histeri: gerçeklik Hawks ayarlanmış mı?
Kaynak: ajc.com
But the hysteria following the bout scarred him in a way that no punch has been able to do.
Ama sonrasında histeri nöbeti hiç yumruk yapmak mümkün olmuştur bir şekilde onu yaralı.
Kaynak: uk.eurosport.yahoo.com
Mass hysteria — other names include collective hysteria, group hysteria, or collective obsessional behavior — in sociology and psychology
Kaynak: Mass hysteria
Female hysteria was a once-common medical diagnosis , made exclusively in women, which is today no longer recognized by modern medical
Kaynak: Female hysteria
behaviour based on the power of suggestion and word of mouth influence, because the symptoms often include those associated with clinical hysteria .
Kaynak: Hysterical contagion

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